Winchester model 70 trigger

Paul B.

New member
While at my local gunshop yesterday, I was talking to one of the few knowledgeable clerks there, and he said that Winchester triggers are no longer adjustable. Has anyone heard anything about this?
He said that this has been so since about 1980 something, but the last two Mod. 70's I bought had adjustable triggers. I know, because I adjusted them myself.
Confusion reigns. On this subject, it's a steady downpour.
Paul B.

If he was the knowledgeable clerk, I would hate to see one of the others!

Winchester Model 70 triggers have not changed since they were introduced in 1937. They are as adjustable as ever. Personally, I consider it the best trigger design ever for a HUNTING rifle. It is simple, rugged and can be adjusted to a reasonable pull weight with minimal creep.

Could this clerk have been trying to sell you an expensive aftermarket trigger?
Cactus. No he wasn't trying to sell me anything. :) He is really quite knowledgeable of things firearms related. We've had many a discussion, and I've rarely found him in error. I didn't think Winchester had changed the trigger, but with a lot of the gunmakers going to non-adjustable triggers, I can see where he might have thought Winchester had done the same.
Thanks for the reply.
Paul B.