Winchester Model 70 30-06


New member
I have my dad's 1973 Winchester Model 70. It is for my son. It is in 30-06. It has a Redfield Widefield 3-9x scope. I took it to the range today and shot a few Remington 125 grain PSP at 75 yards. I had read that the 30-06 had a real kick to it. Maybe with heavier weight bullets, but the Remington 125 grain PSP was not that big a kicker. My son ought do just fine.

I do not see a problem with the group for deer hunting, or coyote hunting for that matter, but then I'm not a deer hunter.

I've been reading threads where the question has centered on accuracy. Is beeter accuracy required for deer, or dog hunting ?
Heart lung shots are about the size of a basketball. Train to hit a target that size till you're 100% confident with your first shot.

Accuracy depends on what your rifle likes. What ammo did your dad use?

I'd suggest you move up to a 150gr bullet for deer.
As I said, I'm not a deer hunter. I'm a disabled old man that would not know what to do with the damn deer if I did get one. My son has indicated he would use the gun for deer hunting, so I'll pass along the information on 150 grain bullets.

My dad bought the gun/scope when he retired in 1973. He went on one hunting trip and came home empty handed. I suspect all he did was sight the rifle in with whatever ammunition the store sold him for deer hunting when he bought the rifle and scope. I suspect it would have been heavier, as you suggest.

My son has a few buddies that go hunting every year, so I suspect they will fill him in with what to get. As I said, I'm not a deer hunter. I think it a good tip to tell him practice the size of a basketball at the farthest range he expects to shoot a deer at.

Thanks for the info.
It's a real good tip to tell him to shoot at something the size of a basketball. I use an 8" paper plate for my final tune-up with the grandkids before the hunting season. They've got to be able to hit that paper plate, first shot, no excuses, at whatever range I think that we might shoot at a deer.

As they've gotten older, they shoot better, and they're liable to roll their eyes at me when I staple the plate to the target board. They can roll their eyes all they want, but it's one shot, no excuses, or they don't hunt with me until they can hit the plate. I know that there are other stresses in deer hunting, not the least of those is the stress labeled "buck fever". It affects us all and makes good men miss deer. When I insist that they hit that plate, I'm convincing them that they can hit the plate, that they have confindence in their ability and in their equipment. They'll have to deal with buck fever on their own. I can't help them with that.

The Winchester Model 70 in .30-06 is a rifleman's rifle. Your son should treasure it and it should serve his grandchildren as well.
30-06 recoil can be a little stiff with some loads, in some guns with some stock designs. You can buy "reduced recoil" factory ammo that is loaded light, has very little recoil and is every bit as effective at closer ranges. This is great for younger shooters. If you hand load it is easy to do the same.

My brother has a Ruger Ultralight in 30-06 that only weighs 7 lbs, including scope and mounts that he lets his 14 year old daughter use. I loaded him some 150 gr bullets at about 2500 fps. The gun has almost no recoil with this ammo and is fine for any shot his daughter will take.
I have a Ted Williams mod53 which is very similar to your M70. It's basically an M70 wiht a different barrel stamp.
I shoot 165grain HSM and Federal at both deer and elk. I started on the elk and stayed with the same for deer b/c the rifle likes that particular ammo and I get good groups.
I don't find the recoil unpleasant, so I bet you or your son could probably go up to 150gr w/out feeling unduly beat up.
As others pointed out; it doesn't take a lot of accuracy. That said, I like 2-3" or better at 100yds. If the rifle can't do that, then it's got issues (shouldn't be more than $50 to have someone else fix it; no more than $15 if you DIY it).

The shooter will probably be the limiting factor from hunting positions.
This is my favorite hold for broadside. Its ALWAYS deadly!


The spitzer type 125 grain .30 caliber bullets in general are structured for deer and will work well on deer from non-magnum .30 caliber rifles.

They don't have as good a ballistic coefficient as heavier .30 caliber spitzer bullets, but they do have good initial velocity and make devastating wounds on deer at typical hunting ranges.

So if the 125 grain PSP ammo you have groups well from your rifle, it should be fine for deer.
How do the 125s do at penetrating the large bones near the shoulder? (I'm used to people recommending 150-170.)
My only personal experience is with the 125 grain Nosler BT and 125 grain Serria Pro-Hunter, both have no problem penetrating a deers shoulder.

You can launch them out of a .308 Win at 3100+ fps, out to 300 yards or so they provide quite a whallop.
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