Winchester model 190 - Is this all I need?


New member
I have a Winchester model 190 .22cal rifle in great condition, but right now its not shootable.

Everything looks like it is there, except for the magazine tube.

All I want to know is to get the gun to shoot, do I only need to buy the magazine tube, or do I need the magazine tube lug and other things mentioned here.

Right now as it sits its only the gun, from the tube the magazine goes it under the barrel, there is nothing more. So along with the actual magazine is there any other parts I am unaware of needing, thanks.

Also, would love a take down sent to my email, arrizx @
tube assembly

arrixz, all you need to order is the magazine tube assembly. the assembly has everything you need already put together. 18 dollars plus shipping seems fair considering it will last you a lifetime.