Winchester Model 1890 - Info from the Experts Please


Hey Folks,

I am considering letting a old friend go and I would like some advice before doing so. I am including a couple of photo's but I have plenty more. I really would appreciate the input of those of you who are Winchester Collectors or have experience with this Model.

Winchester Model 1890 Take Down
.22 long
All original

Please ask if there is anything else that is important that I have Not included?

Thanks for any assistance.


  • Winchester 1890 Broke Down.JPG
    Winchester 1890 Broke Down.JPG
    31.9 KB · Views: 397
  • Winchester 1890 ID Numbers.JPG
    Winchester 1890 ID Numbers.JPG
    43.5 KB · Views: 340
  • Winchester 1890 Wood.JPG
    Winchester 1890 Wood.JPG
    48.7 KB · Views: 311

Thanks for checking in.

Actually I was looking for ANY information you or anyone else could provide. An approximate value would be great.

As far as an offer, I do intend sell this eventually. But only after getting all the research complete (probably locally or at a gun show). As I said my plans are to sell it but I was Not trying to get a auction going here. If I lead anyone to believe that I apologize.

Thank you,

I think I'd just do a google search to see what others in that condition are selling for. Anything marked Winchester is worth something.
Thanks diginit. I already did as you suggested. As a antique rookie I was looking for the experts opinion. Since I really didn't get the response I had wanted I plan to take this to the next gun show and see what it brings.

I thought about posting it here but from the looks of the interest on the post here I don't think anyone would respond.

Oh well. I tried. :D
I have one that was made in 1902. a friend gave it to me. had it appraised for $850.00. I made a case out of wood and glass and gave it to my 15 year old son. He has it hanging on his bedroom wall. think he said it goes up in value 8% per year too.:)
srt 10 jimbo & Wildalaska - Thank you very much for the information.

I am taking it to a gun show this weekend where I hope to sell it.

I guess this is one Winchester where the Blue Book is totally off base. Bummer! :(
He'll be able to retire!

I'm 43 ... I just hope to get enough to pay off a good friend who is selling me a awesome Colt. :)
I am not sure the Blue Book is off base; were you expecting a higher appraisal?

Sometimes the BB is not up to date (I would like to buy at some of their prices) but the big problem is that folks overestimate the condition of their guns. That 100% in the BB means just that. Absolutely brand new, a condition seldom encountered. The average decent gun will fall into the 50%-70% range, while well used guns drop into the 10% or less area.

Rust, heavy wear, worn wood, buggered screws, broken or missing parts, all detract from the value. Most important, though, is that the prices in the BB (and other price guides) are RETAIL prices, what a dealer would expect to sell the gun for. No dealer can afford to buy at that price; 2/3 of it is usually a pretty good offer.

Just as an aside, there are 100% guns out there. I recall an old time dealer watching with amusement while two customers argued about the three versions of the Winchester '73. Finally, the dealer went in the back and came back with three boxes. He put them on the counter and opened them to show three brand new '73's, hang tags still on them. "That's the first, that's the second, that's the third", he said, "now shut up!"

Just as an aside, there are 100% guns out there. I recall an old time dealer watching with amusement while two customers argued about the three versions of the Winchester '73. Finally, the dealer went in the back and came back with three boxes. He put them on the counter and opened them to show three brand new '73's, hang tags still on them. "That's the first, that's the second, that's the third", he said, "now shut up!"

Bwaaaaaaaaaaahahahah....I've done something similar

Kicker: Can I see that pre 64 there (99%, priced at say $1500)..
Me: Here ya go
Kicker: Wow this is nice! Fair price too
Me: Cool, well lets send her home with ya
Kicker: Weyall, its a 30-06, I have 6 (or 100 or whatever they usually have) of if it was a .270 I'd buy it right now
Me: OK, wait one *charges upstairs into the Holy of Holies and grabs the EXACT SAME GUN IN.270 and charges back downstairs*, here ya go, .270 and its $100 cheaper......
Kicker...*Begins stammering and babbling* O well I got to ask my wife first O wait shes got the credit card I forgot my wallet my card just expired I have to take my friend out to lunch the air is too thick in here earthquakes fire and brimstone I dont have my glasses to fill out the paperwork my daughter just called and I have to pick her up I got to run thanks for showing it to me

WildlovesitAlaska ™
I hope you good folks don't think I was saying my 1890 is 100%. If so I apologize. I am only looking for a close assessment so I don't get taken by a shark at the gun show. That is if I even go now with gas jumping up almost a buck a gallon today.
If I were to walk in with a asking price what would be a good starting point considering everyone wants to talk you down at a show (including me so I don't blame anyone).

I do appreciate the input from everyone.