winchester model 12 cycling.


New member
Anyone remotely intimate with a model 12 shotgun?
I am having some cycling issues with mine, and had some questions.

here's the deal...After squeezing the trigger, the pump will not come back without depressing the bolt release located by the trigger guard.
Now granted, I have not put a live round in and fired it, but with snap caps it will not allow you to cycle the pump without first pushing the release.

I have taken it apart, and completely degunked it, lubed and reassembled.

Everything is as it should be, but still no cycle.

Any help is appreciated.

get around

i see you get around. that wouldn't be a 16 ga? i have been looking for a m12 in 16 to recreate my perfect youth. great gun enjoy and never sale it.
Bump the forend foreward slightly after you dry fire. The action requires that the forend move forward slightly under recoil before it will allow unlocking.
birdshot said:
i see you get around. that wouldn't be a 16 ga? i have been looking for a m12 in 16 to recreate my perfect youth. great gun enjoy and never sale it.

Sure is a 16, that's the reason i saved her. and yes, it's the same threads in different places. figured why not use as many assets as possible!
Bump the forend foreward slightly after you dry fire. The action requires that the forend move forward slightly under recoil before it will allow unlocking.

Mine made in 1953 doesn't unless I hold rearward pressure on the slide while dry firing. Then I have to nudge it forward ever so slightly to get it to release. If I dry fire it normally it releases fine.
Interesting little fact about model 12s is that they are one of very few slide action shotguns that if you hold back the trigger and work the slide, they will continue to fire. That is you do not have to release the trigger to reset it for each shot.

I did a lot of dove hunting with a Mod 12, when I was a teenager. Always aggravated the crap out of me that I'd have to move the slide forward after each shot, in order to cycle the action. Much prefer the 870!!!
Interesting little fact about model 12s is that they are one of very few slide action shotguns that if you hold back the trigger and work the slide, they will continue to fire.

You may find a few out there that have a modified trigger group.
An Old Gun Smith from Minneapolis invented and patented a disconnect(patent # 2,498,553) for the Model 12. He took exception to Olin Ind. advertisements that referred to the Model 12 as "The Perfect Repeater" and worded his add in gun magazines like (Nov 1953 issue American Rifleman) to make your M-12 "A Safe Repeater".
Olin took Mr. Klebe to court and lost. Then Olin bought out his patent, but shelfed it.
Mr. Klebe was very upset about this and invented a new device(patent # 3,184,875) that would prevent "Slap Fire" and patented that device. it was an attachment to the trigger guard.
Something was out of whack with it. It shouldn't do that.

Many moons ago, our county government acquired 10 mod. 12 riot shotguns. Every single one of them must have had something "out of whack." ;) As a matter of fact, I inspected one of those old mod 12s a couple of years ago, as it's in possession of a friend of mine. Yep, still have to move the slide forward after shooting.
All I know is they shouldn't do that. Maybe you're pulling back on the pump handle while firing and putting the slide lock in a bind. Mine will lock up like that dry firing but I dunno if it will live firing. I'll have to take mine out and try that and see what happens.
Many moons ago, our county government acquired 10 mod. 12 riot shotguns. Every single one of them must have had something "out of whack." As a matter of fact, I inspected one of those old mod 12s a couple of years ago, as it's in possession of a friend of mine. Yep, still have to move the slide forward after shooting.

OK, I went out and live fired my model 12. I made sure to put rearward pressure on the slide handle while firing. It opened right up as soon as the shell fired. I tried it again with a lot of rearward pressure on the slide handle. It opened right up as soon as the shell fired. I did it again with an extreme amount of rearward pressure. Same thing, opened right up. So yeah, I guess all ten of your riot guns had a problem.
I wasn't consciously putting any rearward pressure on the action. The Mod 12 has been around for along time (duh!). Maybe some years' productions required the extra movement. What I do know is that I was a teenager when the county acquired those Mod 12s, and I personally cleaned the cosmoline from every one of them. FWIW, the county paid $20 each for those grand old blunderbusses! They also acquired 10 M-1 carbines, which I also personally cleaned, @ $10 each. :) ($10 was the cost of the carbines; I didn't charge anything for my services.)

I also shot most of them at one time or another. My father wound up with one of the Mod 12s, and he had a Cutts Compensator attached. I've shot zillions of doves and a few ducks with that particular Mod 12. Always had to move the slide forward after each shot.