Winchester Model 12 12 GA. What is it?


I recently bought an old(?) shotgun from an Estate sale. It is a Winchester Model 12-12 GA Full. On the bottom, where you load the shells it has 301033 -TRAP- stamped into the steel. Directly above it the same 301033 is stamped into the barrel. It has nickelsteel stamped into the barrel before Winchester. The barrel is 18" long. The gentleman I bought it from said it was a Police issue weapon he called a "street sweeper". Said the barrel was cut down from the factory to fit in the "rack". The buttplate is a hard black plastic plate, the slide is engraved, but the stock is plain. Any help identifying this shotgun will make me a smarter man! :)


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It looks like it was originally a Model 12 Trap that was cut down. That's unfortunate, but it's still a great shooter.
Their is going to be a hot seat in hell for the person that destroyed a model 12 trap gun. I doubt seriously that it was used by a police department. I know of few agencies that would pay a substancial extra sum for a high dollar trap gun and then cut it down when for far fewer dollars a 20" riot gun was avalible. It has had the buttstock replaced somewhere in the past. All in all a high quality firearm that was assulted by some hack.
JMO, It was most likely a "rescue" or recovered from a crime scene- maybe with a broken stock & crushed muzzle - the owner never ID'd, and so got cut, cheaply restocked & went into the PD armory.

It would most likely have been issued with a MUCH longer barrel - prolly 30" or so.

That's a sad Model 12. The original trap stock was most likely premium walnut and had a red rubber butt pad. Who ever butchered the barrel, may have cut down the stock, too.
What a damned shame!!!!! I think people should have to be licensed to even BUY a hacksaw!!!! Another classic lost in Bubba Land.....