Winchester experts--old 10 Ga. shell.

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
I just found an old paper 10 ga. shotshell stamped "W.R.A. Co" at 12 o'clock, "Rival" at 6, and "No." and "10" on either side of the Primer. It is far too ripped and corroded to have any collector value even if it were rare, but I'd like to know how old it is.

I pulled it out of the wall while ripping out old plaster in my dining room. The dining room is part of an addition, and I don't know when it was built, but I know the original house was here in 1900. There was a stamp cancelled in 1948 in the same wall, so it goes back at least that far, but if the shell is older I'd know more. I assume W.R.A. is Winchester Repeating Arms but I don't know when they stopped stamping that on ammunition. Thanks.