Winchester 94 serial #123404


It was a gift from an inlaw who was passed away. I don't really want it or need it. The 94 is in great shape with a little rust,
I live on the Oregon coast and everything rusts, and I believe it was manufactured about 1898? Also, How do I remove the light rust?
I would use some 0000 steel wool and some automatic transmission fluid. Most good hardware stores have 0000 steel wool in the painting supplies.

All it will take is some rubbing with the oil and steel wool.
Remember to rub very lightly. I have used this method for years with great results. BUT, if you get in a hurry and rub too hard, you will start to remove what's left of the bluing. Contrary to what others may say 0000 steel wool will not remove the original finish unless you get too aggressive with it.
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