Winchester 94 Safe Handling


Hello All, I've been visiting the site for several months and I am impressed by both the knowledge and civility of the group.

If I had my druthers, my 1971 30.30 94 would be in the gun rack in the back window of my pickup truck but sadly, that era is a nostalgic and faded billboard viewed in the rearview mirror while driving down a dusty highway.

Living in the brighter world with less pastels of today-land, I carry the rifle in a padded case locked in a compartment inside the aforementioned truck. As regards the battery of arms of this particular firearm, I am interested in the group's opinions as to whether I can safely keep a round in chamber or not.

I gravitate toward the conservative empty chamber but if an extra round is safely available, I would opt in that direction. Many Thanks!
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A Winchester 94, safety notch and no safety in a bouncy truck? Empty chamber. Unless you need extra ventilation in your truck.
Empty chamber is the only way to carry or handle a lever action rifle. Especially in a padded gun case. There is a distinct possibility that the hammer can get moved to full cock and you don't know it because you can't see it. Then as you slide it out of the case the trigger can catch or be bumped and it discharges.
Loaded chambers and gun cases are a sure recipe for a horrible event.

The idea that you can carry an extra round puts you at a mental disadvantage. You need to make sure of your shot is good, and make the first round fired count. Don't employ the idea of if you going to miss with the first round, I will get them with the second shot.
I've heard it said that you can never miss them fast enough to kill them.
Loaded chambers and gun cases are a sure recipe for a horrible event.

Absolutely agree!

From a mechanical safety standpoint, empty chamber, absolutely!

From a LEGAL safety standpoint, check your state and local laws carefully!! MANY places do not allow "loaded" long guns in vehicles on public roads. And the definition of "loaded" can be loaded chamber, OR empty chamber, loaded magazine, OR EVEN ammunition in the same container/cargo area of the vehicle!!! Some places require the gun and the ammo be in separate (sometimes locked) containers, or it is legally a loaded gun.

IF IT IS LEGAL, stuff the mag but leave the chamber empty.
What he said. Check your laws first and then make your decision. Pretty sure in Wisconsin a loaded rifle in a vehicle isn't allowed. The only exempt gun type is handguns with concealed carry holders.
I carry the rifle in a padded case locked in a compartment inside the aforementioned truck.

With the amount of effort its going to take to get to the compartment, dig out the case, unlock it, then access the firearm, the second saved not having to chamber a round really isn't going to make a difference.
I knew an older guy who carried a 94 loaded on 1/2 cock in the pickup seat barrel against the floorboard for years. UNTIL one day, he hit a rut in the field causing the rifle to bounce in just the right way to cock and release the hammer. Blew a hole in floor and transmission case besides nearly deafening him.
Just about any Western movie you'll watch, or have watched, will have the character with the lever-gun jack a round to the chamber before going to work with his Henry, '66, '73, '92 or '94, no? Not only is that one of the classic character actions you always see in any Western movie, it's also a built-in visual as to how to carry a loaded lever-gun. If you're packing around a loaded lever-gun in a vehicle (if legal, of course), on a horse, or just walking somewhere with it, leave the chamber empty. Once you're set up in a hunting stand (or an old cinema cowboy in an ambush position) jack one in, and set the hammer at half-cock and wait your shot. Just my opinion, certain sure.
QUOTE: "...causing the rifle to bounce in just the right way to cock and release the hammer..."

Must have been one heck of a rut to cause any lever-action rifle to cock the hammer and release it (the trigger?) all in one fell-swoop...:eek: :confused:
Yes, empty chamber, I do not know of any lever actions that have a rebounding firing pin. Remember most lever action are at most an 1890s design, like the Colt SAA and its copies.
Must have been one heck of a rut to cause any lever-action rifle to cock the hammer and release it (the trigger?) all in one fell-swoop...
Or the guy made it up to hide the fact he killed his own truck with a ND.
I don't think any rifle should be transported in a case with a live round in the chamber. Much less an old 94 or 336/36.
Half cock is considered safe for carry, but in a scabbard on a horse or in a truck I'd leave the chamber empty but the magazine full. Why risk it?
Must have been one heck of a rut to cause any lever-action rifle to cock the hammer and release it (the trigger?) all in one fell-swoop...

Or the guy made it up to hide the fact he killed his own truck with a ND.

Besides your safety, if you got in a wreck and somebody else was clearing out your stuff, they may handle it in a way to cause unexpected problems, even when cased.

Keep in mind a sharp impact to the hammer when so carried can shear the tip of the trigger or sear notch in the hammer and fire. Like tossed in the back of the police car after sending you off in an ambulance.