Winchester 94 butt plate


Hello. I have a 1950's Model 94 with a metal butt plate. It's kind of harsh for my 11 year old to shoot. Is there any way I can replace the butt plate with a rubber one WITHOUT permanently modifying the rifle? Thanks!
Hard to do without extending the LOP, which is probably too long already. The thinnest solution is a strap on pad or shooting shirt with a built in pad. Off the bench you can just throw a soft gun case over your shoulder.
A Win '94 can be harsh for ANYBODY to shoot. Many people think of a 30-30 as a low-recoil round suitable for a kid. That may be true of the round itself but when you put that round through a straight-stocked Win -94 the felt recoil is quite nasty. Back when I had one, I prefered shooting my 30-06 to shooting that Winchester.
The correct answer...... to put a slip-on recoil pad. But if this rifle is dedicated to the 11-year-old, you could cut the stock shorter and mount a more permanent recoil pad. Instead of throwing away the metal butt-plate, you could send it to me as I am looking for a replacement butt-plate for my 1942 vintage Winchester 94 that I am in the process of reversing just such a procedure. If I were you, I'd go with the first option and keep the rifle original. I have lengthened the stock on mine and am using a slip on pad with good results. The L.O.P. is substantially longer than original which makes it pleasant for me to shoot. But I'm 6 feet tall and definitely not 11 years old. If you do get rid of the butt-plate, I'd be happy to give you 15 or 20 bucks for it if it's in half-decent condition.
Emrlaw, one option for you is to buy a used Win '94 stock on Ebay and cut it down to fit a real recoil pad.