winchester 70 verses the remington 700


New member
i am sorry guys i just cant let this one go i am as loyal to the 700 as you are the 70.hey mad dog.can a modle 70 be retrofitted with aftermarket or factory parts to be able to have a remington safty.(2 position instead of 3)?i have herd the military uses remington guns but winchester is this possible.?thanks ed
The USMC uses Winchester trigger guards and floor plates on remington actions. With enough manhours you can have a gunsmith make whatever you want. Semper Fi....
Then that would make the Blazer the Porsche of firearms because "There is NO substitute!" ;)

Guns cause crime like spoons cause Rosie O'Donnell to be fat!

I hunt, therefore I am.
Would that be Chevy Blazer, or the wonderful bolt-action BLASER R93 rifle???

That would NOT be Porche... That, ladies and gentlemen, is a Lexus...

.45 Super... Fat and FAST...

"No provision in our Constitution ought to be dearer to man than that which protects the rights of conscience against the enterprises of the civil authority" - Thomas Jefferson
When I shot rifles in competitionm, I had sevaral Model 70's and 1 40x. Across the course, the 70 was a much better handling rifle than was the 40 x. Due to eye problems, I fired off the left shoulder.

Even after converting the 40 x to left side bolt, it was still easier to reach over the stock on model 70's. The 40 x was VERY accurate, its just that I found the 70's much easier to operate, due to stock design, and action design, including that nice long bolt handle.
strange??i have never had the urge to buy a left handed gun (being right handed.)and "reach" over the top with my right hand and operate the bolt.why would you!!!!!sorry for the sarcasim but there are left handed guns out there and they have always been available except in military configuration,i just get so tired of craig boddington and all you left handed people complaning about right handed bolt guns when you should have bought a lefty to start with or a lever gun or a single shot.hell if its that big a problem just hire someone to shoot it for you or better yet dont even buy a rifle.go fishing instead.oh yeah i guess then you would have to bitjzjdiu about right handed rod and reels when you should have bought a left handed one.then there is always the guy that shoots a pistol right handed but fires a rifle left handed because he is right eyed dominate.sheeeeeseee

Couple of points:
1. When I got into competition shooting (National Match Course), as I remember, there weren't any commercial left hand bolt guns available. (mid 60's) A couple of years later P.O. Ackley imported some left hand Mausers from Japan, but GCA'68 killed that option. Did you ever see any of them?

2. Lever and or pump guns, and single shots might be fine for hunting, but were WORTHLESS for NMC shooting. Do you know what the terms NRA Match Rifle, and or Service Rifle mean?

3. Since you are in the business, I believe that's what your profile said, you should be aware of the differences between the Model 70 Target Rifles and The Remington 40X, partiularly since they are as obvious as they are. By the way, who is Craig Boddington?

4. Dave Moon had a short post. Suggest that you read same, and take his advice.
craig gboddington is the a contributing editor for g@ammo magazine and cannot right a article about mentioning that he is left handed.i love to read his stuff because it is always informative.never really gave much thought to the service rifle competion because i have no interest in needs stem strickly from a practicle field test and hunting situations.that is why i select only practicle equipment.if service rifle or bench shooting is your bag then so be it.i have no beef with that.but someone should not be willing to comprimise their equipment.get something that is right for you and deal with it.after all why should a left handed shooter put up with a right handed bolt.