Winchester .357 Magnum 125gr JHP In Clear Ballistics Gel


New member

Test Gun: Smith and Wesson model 65.
Barrel length: 3 inches.
Ammunition: Winchester .357 Magnum JHP.
Test media: 10% Clear Ballistics Gel.
Distance: 10 feet.
Chronograph: PACT 1 XP with inferred sky screens.
Gel Temperature 70 degrees.

People reading my post may think I have I put too much effort into reviewing 9mm ammo. I will admit that most of my testing is in 9mm but today I'm trying something new. This time it is the legendary .357 using the legendary 125gr JHP. Two rounds into bare gel and two in heavy clothing. You may also notice that this is the first time I have given the recovered weights. That is because this is the first time I felt the need to. In all of my past test, the bullets retained most if not all of their weight.

Round one had a velocity of 1361fps, penetrated to 14.5 inches, expanded to .58 inches, and had recovered weight of 95.8 grains. Round two hit the block at 1300fps even and penetrated to 12.75 inches. The bullet expanded to.65 inches and had a recovered weight of 117.9.

In the heavy clothing covered gel round one struck the block at 1362fps and penetrated to 14.75 inches. Recovered diameter was .56 inches and weight was 105.7 grains. Round two had a velocity of 1335fps, penetrated to 13.25 inches and expanded to .60 inches. Recovered weight was 102.8 grains.

those 125gr. 357 loads are some bad dudes. I like the generic 125 gr. Remington sjhp green box. they really rip out of a 4" bbl. if I were to pay high dollar for fancy stuff id still opt for the old 145gr. STHP.
All the 125 grain SJHP .357s tend to perform about the same, and all tend to WORK well on the street from all reports. I prefer Federal 357B just for the quality control. They seem more consistent than the Remington scalloped loads, haven't tried the Winchesters I'll admit. I also like to run these in 4-5" barrel to take full advantage of the slower burning powders but clearly, this particular iteration has no problems out of a 3" barrel.
Yep, those older style cup 'n core JHP .357's could seem to almost turn themselves inside out when they expanded, and shedding some fragments along the wound track was sometimes thought to cut some stretched tissues, too. Probably helped account for some of the reports of "effectiveness" back in the revolver days.

Your observed velocities out of your 3" K-frame remind me of the days when the popular 125gr JHP MAG loads were occasionally chrono'd out of 2 1/2" K's & Pythons.

Personally, back when I carried an issued .357MAG service revolver (and some various personally-owned .357 revolvers off-duty) I tended to prefer either the Federal or Remington 125gr JHP's. The W-W 125's, with their ball powder, often exhibited some sand-blasted grit in the muzzle blast. I didn't worry about it when wearing sunglasses, but I wasn't always wearing sunglasses.

I eventually settled on the W-W 145gr STHP, which didn't seem to produce the same "sand blast" effect as the lighter/faster 125's, and which enjoyed some decent user reports among cops.

I still use the Rem 125gr SJHP and W-W 145gr STHP when I load Magnums in my remaining .357's, although I also have a couple boxes of the former Rem 140gr SJHP, too.

The 125 gr mag was eventually selected as a duty load by the NPS after some shootings and poor results with the old 110 +P+ .38 "Treasury Load". The 125 proved a handful for some marginal shooters. It also spelled the end for the assorted K frame magnums (shooting .38's) that had been in service since who knows when. Many parks replace their ancient K frames with L-frames. In those days, the revolvers stayed in the were issued a new gun upon arrival to your new duty station.

The L-frame (and Pach grips) made the round more shootable for all hands. I always felt well armed with the L and 125 mag loads. Quality ammo yielded less flash at night. Seems like the Win loads had the most flash, Federal less. I do not recall which product line, it was all bulk gov't purchase anyhow. Win typically had the lowest bulk prices on the GSA schedule.

I still use the 125 load in my N-frame M28 on the rare occassions when I carry it as a SD gun. Happily, 148 gr .38 WC's print to the exact same point of aim. Train with what you carry, yes.....but it's nice to have a soft plinking load for casual shooting that does not blind and deafen.