Winchester 1897 parts specs'


Howdy Y'all
Got a Winchester 1897 (circa 1921) that needs to be thoroughly detail stripped for repair and cleaning.
Problem (1) Carrier pin stop screw is broken at the head (most gone and staked in) I will need to extract this to remove the carrier to work inside the receiver.
Problem 2: I need to get there to work on the sear and hammer/trigger faces due to follow through (not slamfire but just following the bolt without setting off the primer) every so often.
By any chance does anyone know what the spec's on the carrier pin stop screw are? Thank you for your time.
Yours in service
James Acerra

Pictures upon request!
The AGI video on 1897 shotguns is excellent.

I bought 1.5 shotguns basket case, and used the vid to assemble the parts into a shooter.

link below same as pic above.


  • 1897 Winchester pump shotguns.jpg
    1897 Winchester pump shotguns.jpg
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