As penetration goes, I don't know there would be a whole lot of practical differance among full power commercial loaded .357's of similar SJHP bullet design. I would think the mass vs. velosity variables would tend to balance out somewhat. But that's just my guess. The SJHP is suppose to open up and "dump" energy when it hits something solid. So if penetration is a concern, then a SJHP should be less penatrative than a hard solid type bullet of similar weight and velosity.
As an aside, I shot some Win 110gr SJHP .357's in a 2.25" SP101 this weekend - and I wasn't impressed. This light and fast round tends to shoot low from point of aim (at about 15 yards). Light recoil, but a good bit of flash and blast - and it shot low. I've always been a 125gr fan, but it's got about as much flash and blast - and a bit more recoil. The 158gr .357's seems to be the most accurate, but seems to recoil more than the rest.
I'm pretty much at the point where I think the Rem Golden Saber .357 is just about the right balance for accuracy, reduced flash, blast & recoil - and of course effectivness - in a small frame / short barrel gun. The Golden Saber is considered a mid range .357. Velosity is around 1,220 (less than the 110 or 125 - but about par with the 158). Energy however is around 413 fpe (about the same as the 110). In other words, you get the effectivness and controlability of the 110 without as much flash and blast.
Actually the cheapest - least recoil, flash & blast - best accuracy & fastest follow up shot - and all around most enjoyable round is the plain old 158gr .38. That's the nice thing about .357 revolvers - lots of variety to suit your mood.