Win. 9422 impressions


New member
I picked up a ANIB 9422 at a recent show and am very pleased with its fit and finish - and I'm not a Win. lever fan. Last night I tried it with CB shorts and was amazed. At 30 yards this little gun held them under an inch. I haven't tried it with other ammo as I haven't been to the range - just testing it in the backyard. So far this lil trapper is a Keeper. :)

"Keep shootin till they quit floppin"
The Wife 2/2000
Sweet little rifle ain't it! I've got one I picked up used at a gunshow some 15 years ago. Absolute tack driver! Wouldn't part with it for nothin'. :)

Politically, Fashionably and Aerodynamically Incorrect!
They are fantastic little rifles. I've owned mine for over 26 years now and have had absolutely no problems. This gun has had well in excess of 50,000 rounds fired through it and has taken a boxcar load of game of various and sundry kinds. I have also used it in everything from informal turkey shoots to CAS 22 side matches. I hope your gun stays with you as long as mine has stayed with me. Jake