Win 70, Trigger adjustment...........fails,,,,,,,,


New member
The drop test................
Gent's, all I did was loosen the jam nuts, and take the pull weight down to 3.5#'s.......
Tightened er' up, and put it back together, and did my "Drop Test", this consist's of dropping the entire rifle from about 12"'s, onto the carpeted floor.......the sear allowed the trigger to fire.
Took it back down and readjusted the nuts, to 4.25#'s....... much better, but will still drop 1 out of 10 drops............
Never having adjusted a Win trigger, I am somewhat dissapointed.........I figured it would hold easier and better than a Remmie, but it will not.
Any ideas, 4.25#'s, is only 1.75#'s less than factory setting.
The unit would NOT drop if I cycled the bolt, hard, and fast, multiple times..and I mean HARD, and FAST.....
I feel it will be safe, as long as it's not dropped, but you know Murphy..........any ideas, comments, again, I didn't touch the sear adjustment AT ALL...........(:
It's a good thing that you didn't adjust the sear adjustment, as the Mod 70 doesn't have a sear adjustment. What it does have, and what you've probably screwed up is an overtravel adjustment.

I've only adjusted two Win 70 triggers, and have had no problems with either. While it's not of the quality of a Rem. trigger, I do have mine adjusted to just over 2#, and it doesn't fail the slam-the-butt-on-the-carpet test or the "smack the crap out of the action with a rubber hammer test".

Maybe you just have a lousy trigger on your particular Mod. 70.

Walter, how could I screw up overtravel adj's.........
I didn't change anything except the tension setting on the spring?.
If I just backed them up, to where they were, it would be as if I had never touched the trigger at all........
My first thought when I saw this 1800's design, was, darn, this looks like really potentially dangerous system to me.........
My first mistake, was to not check it w/ the drop test with the factory setting.........
I think it is a bad deal from the get go.......

George, thanks for the site, I'll go there.........
As long as you're absolutely, positively sure that you didn't let the screw turn at all, as you were adjusting the spring tension, then you probably didn't alter the overtravel. You might try readjusting the overtravel, per the link provided by George, then resetting the pull weight.

As I said, I have only worked on a couple of Win triggers, but didn't have any trouble getting them down to under 3#. (I've banged the butts on the floor a lot harder than a 12" drop would provide.)
I am interested in this too, and can not get George's recguns link to work. It comes back with "You are not authorized to view this page", and it says the same thing when I try Does anybody know what the problem is? Thanks.
Now it's not working for me either. I went to the page the other day and copied the link right out of the address bar. I don't know if Recguns has went off line or if their server is just down for something. I'd say keep checking for a while and if anybody learns anything for sure please post it. George
I went to the link and skimmed over the instructions just before I made my last post. There's really not much in there that hasn't been discussed here. Basically, the overtravel screw should be screwed down until the rifle won't fire; then slowly back the screw out, holding pressure on the trigger,until the rifle fires. Then back out just a little more and tighten the locknut. Then adjust the pull weight with the other two locknuts, making sure that the overtravel screw doesn't move when you make that adjustment.

When I worked on my Mod 70, I took the assembly out of the rifle and polished the sear mating surfaces with a Dremel, felt wheel and Simichrome. I'm pretty pleased with the pull I've achieved.