win 1906

dan speakman

Retired Screen Name
Received a 1911 production that my
grandma REALLY used.She put rabbit on the table with it in 1915. I would like to display it but it hasn't been cleaned in 42
years,{I was last to shot it in '57.Smith
rechambered it and we both put 100 rnds thru
it)I's bride is a clean freak
and there's no way it will go on the wall
in present condition.Wood is oil soaked and OK. txs dewey
Dan, your local smith should offer detailed cleaning. Depending on it's present condition you may or may not want it restored. For instance if the rifle's present condition is better than 80% rebluing/refinishig will diminish the value. If it isn't that good at present restoration will increase the value to that 80% level. If you want the gun restored and don't have anyone near you feel free to e-mail me. I'd be glad to do it for you. George