Win. 100 extraction problem


New member
About a year ago I bought my son a used Win 100 in .308. I usually reload so I tried out some boxed rounds of PMC and Win. first and also tried some loads with Win brass and Nosler 150gr BT. Failure to extract begain after the third range session(around 60rd total). So, took it to very good gunsmith in my area and after $75 and two months I get the rifle back. Takes another two months to remember to take it back to the range with the boy and guess what, same problem. I didn't shot it myself but at the next range session(today) I had had both intermittent failure to extract but also on the first round of the 4 shot string I had light primer hits. Gun has been cleaned and lubed after every session and I went over it again last night to make sure it wasn't lack of care. Now I know the 100 is tough to work on and old so I call a great parts guy I know and he directs me back to the same gunsmith. He told me no one else in the area will touch it. I'm in No. California. From what the parts man says the extractor is very hard to get and the firing pin should have been updated. He carries the firing pins but no extractor. So the question is 1)What is the problem? 2)What can I do about it? Parts man says go back and complain to the gunsmith. I figure if he didn't fix the exact same problem before another trip to him isn't going to produce any better results. Does anyone know a gunsmith that specializes in Win 100s or do I dump the rifle and get something else? MWT
Powermwt, without actually inspecting the rifle it's difficult to say what the problem is. I've worked on a bunch of 100s for one thing or another over the years and I'd be happy to help you with yours. You can e-mail me if you like. George
It is a common problem with that gun I do believe.My grandfather used one for over twenty years and I saw it jam on him several times.I took it to a gunsmith and he told me the chamber was rough and honed it some for us.It did help for a while.I don't know how my grandfather could have any faith in that old rifle but he managed to kill several deer with it.I would have traded it off long before.He finally did for a Browning BAR.