The Kimbers are more accurate than I ever will be. I have never had a problem with them. I can't find signs of wear in my Kimber CDP, so the alloy frame is not an issue.
Given that, I may as well get a Kimber Pro CDP. This can be had for about $900. I can get a high quality leather gun belt, holster, magazine carrier(s), many high quality magazines, thin grips, and lots of practice and hollowpoint ammo for the cost of a Wilson.
Capacity is not much of an issue. Eight rounds in a single stack versus ten in a semi-staggered magazine is not worth worrying about. Plus, I can always carry ten round Chip McCormick magazines for my reloads.
This is not to say that the Wilson is not a good choise, but I cannot get the most out of it. Plus, with thin grips a "normal" 1911 has a significantly thinner profile.