Will you be writing in a third candidate? Who?

There seems to be some debate on the practice of write in candidates in some other thread...I know I have already started my grass roots movement to get my guy elected. :p

The controversy has me thinking....

How many people here will actually be writing in a third party candidate and who will be that person?

If you have not decided feel free to join me in my third party. :)

Nah, I'll just vote for the Libertarian. Almost certainly no need to write in that vote, they usually manage 50 state ballot access, or close to it.

Voting 3rd party in the Presidential race is a way of sending a message: "I'm not apathetic, and I'm NOT in favor of the candidates the major parties puked up!"

You vote for a fictional character, the message you send is more like, "I don't take this whole thing seriously, just ignore me." Which is ok if that's the message you want to send, but it's not the message on my mind.
Well, I certainly would consider writing in H.R. Pufnstuf (although I think he is only slightly before my time, and frame of reference), but write ins aren't allowed in Oklahoma. I will be going to vote and leave my ballot blank. I can't wait for November to get closer - I think I will get a BIG "Don't Vote for President" magnet made to put on my truck. That should be fun to drive around town with.
Don't vote Don't bitch

Writing in a valid candidate not some fictional character is an option Americans have. It is your right to vote for whom ever you wish. Those who don't vote at all should remember they did not when they start to rant and rave about whoever wins.
Huckabee, if I can reason that I'd be voting for him....

There's others in my head, but he's one of my considerations...

And, no PBP, I didn't say Huckster to make you :barf:
Although I am underwhelmed to put it mildly at any of the choices writing in or voting for a third party cantidate will have the same effect as not voting. I have written in my name in some rare cases but normally I would not. The comment about sending a message is justified but ineffective as you will just be telling them what they already know. I will probably be voting for McCain, not because I think he is good, rather I feel that I would rather hve him than either Obama or Hillary and to vote for a third party would be giving the Democrat a vote. We are faced with decisions that we do not want to make but must. Otherwise we need to keep our mouths shut.