Will we be like the UK?

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New member
I have not been following all the gun control debate stuff to closely as i try not to get to involved shooting and gun owning for me is a hobby and me and my gf have guns for self defense too. what im asking is will the US ever become like the UK were they arnt allowed to have firearms for defense?
Well, if all the other gun owners were like you, and did not want to get involved, then the odds are we would end up like the UK.

Hopefully, you will benefit from the efforts of those of us who do get involved.
Not as long as I can draw a breath,and I'm sure the feeling is the same with others in the gun owning community.
i try not to get to involved

The next-to-worst of all possible worlds ...... "obsequiousness" would be the topper.

far better ...... though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
-Teddy Roosevelt
jim and mleake there is a reason i dont get involved there is not need to try and flame me for it. :p besides im not very good in debates
I think it highly unlikely that gun control will ever make it that far. I'm inclined to say that we don't have to worry right now, because congress is so divided.

Just look at the financial debates that were supposed to be done before Jan 1st. and the results still are not satisfactory.

In my mind, should the worst case scenario happen, many people will seal their guns up in airtight / water tight cases and bury them somewhere, waiting for the government to either realize their mistake and repeal, or to let the laws expire. Either way we will once again be allowed to own arms.

I don't think we have anything to worry about, as the law makers cannot decide on anything, except maybe raising their own wages.

Even if laws were to be passed banning all guns, there would be such civil unrest form those that don't want to give up their weapons, that it likely won't be enforced. Additionally those that would be employed to take the guns away (Law enforcement / military) likely won't want to. After all they swore to defend the country and the constitution.
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In my mind, should the worst case scenario happen, many people will seal their guns up in airtight / water tight cases and bury them somewhere, waiting for the government to either realize their mistake and repeal, or to let the laws expire.

You don't really think that American gun owners will pack them up and hide them away and wait it out do you?:rolleyes:

If a gun ban passed that would hardly be the worst case scenario....
Rather than counting on inertia and disarray to prevent harms, we should be proactively seeking to head them off before they can gestate.
Xfire, I think at least a few will resort to that. the majority will more than likely hand them over as law abiding citizens, but I doubt it will ever come to that.
The 2A is a series of 250 year old words. Until the last 50 years they spoke for themselves. Now they need constant tending, like a garden in a severe drought.

Throw in a plague of locusts, and you get the idea.
If there is an attempt at confiscation the only thing that will be like the British here will be like in 1770s when we kicked their Limey butts. An armed resistance in the US would be unstoppable unless the government is willing to kill swaths of innocents to get 1 American Insurgent. Their is no logistical way to contain 1% of gun owners without drawing the ire of the previously indifferent.
Plus, do you want to be the police officer or federal forces guy that is at the front of the line doing 80 million raids across the nation?
These are truly trying times and it will only get worse.
I fully believe that the dems will not introduce anything until the next mass shooting event (that isn't stopped by a lawful gun owner). They will wait and hope to capitalize on the emotions of the moment. We've already seen allies of the 2nd amendment cave in and let emotions dictate their beliefs.
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