Will the expiration of the AWB affect the cost of FA?

Jamie Young

New member
If the pre-ban semi's shot up in price and become "not so rare anymore" what about FA rifles?

Would something like an AC556 with a folding stock come down in price?
Well, the ban on new production MGs will continue. Here's an economic take on MG futures:

Investors have been helping to drive up MG prices over the last 3-4 years. As more traditional investments in stocks, mutual funds and real estate come back to more historically traditional returns, I think you might see $$$ leave the MG marketplace - or at least a slow down of new $$$ entering the market.

Shooters will be concentrating purchases over the next few months on things like unbanned (I'm not sure if you call them pre-bans or post-post-bans) guns, hicap mags, folding stocks, flash suppressors, bayonets and rifle grenades.

Which leads me to conclude that - in general - price increases will slow compared to the last 3-4 years. Transferable MGs - being in limited supply - will never be cheap and will probably continue to only increase in price, allbeit at a slower pace.

Prices on select guns will probably increase different than the overall market. When the Shrike actually hits the street in quantity and if the damn thing works, look for another spike in M16 prices. I still think the Ruger AC556 is undervalued. The Norrell 10/22 conversion prices have been going up, and may continue to do so with the AWB sunsetting it helps to make affordable hicaps for the 10/22 readily available.
I agree 100%- FA weapons won't go down. Not only is there a limited number, but the number actually DECREASES.
They get damaged, get tied up in inheritence battles, etc.
They even get lost to the state sometimes due to not having them in the will correctly, and/or the paperwork not being ready in time to facilitate transfer to family members. There are probably more than a few out there that never got transferred following the owner's death. The new owners are probably ignorant of the laws. Once found, and confiscated, there's another one off the books. I've had people show me guns that were full auto, and they never knew it until I told them. It's been quite a while, however.

Every few years, the topic of another amnesty period comes up mostly just for this sort of thing. I personally think it's a good idea, as people who have such things illegally and are unaware of it, would find out. The BATF&E would benefit by learning the whereabouts of an unknown amount of stuff.

It's probably rare, but I've heard of inheritence cases where a benificiary chooses not to go through the so-called hassle of transfer and ownership, and surrenders the gun.

One machinegun-related issue that I think might (well, I hope) change is magazine prices. I have two of the relatively cheaper SMGs- an S&W 76 and H&R 50 Reising. But, the magazines they use are some of the priciest. Although there has been an influx of much cheaper Swedish K/Port Said/Carl Gustv M45 magazines in recent years, which are easily converted to S&W 76 use.
Hopefully, Ken Christie can, and will, make up a bunch more Reising magazines if the ban goes away.