Will our govt. use Russian politics as a pretext to ban?

This came to mind reading about the fighting in Georgia.

Would various interests in DC try to ban both Russian rifles and ammo?
There could be various ulterior motives by both the Democrats and GOP.
As Obama stated about Pennsylvanians "clinging to guns and bibles", this is just the tip of a partially-hidden iceberg.
The US public has become brainwashed for many years by Hollywood producers' distortions about US veterans, never mind our media.

In recent years eastern Euro. govts. have already destroyed vast numbers of surplus military rifles to limit access by 'third world regimes' and subversive movements.
Two of the websites are some sort of British international arms monitors etc.
Feel free to correct me if these ideas are wrong and unrealistic, as I'm just a beginner with so many rifle/ownership topics.

Just a middle-aged guy who is sort of new to active plinking, and want the prices for the lowest-cost ammo to continue foir quite a while. Maybe fuel prices will be the only main factor influencing imported and surplus ammo prices if you live down south etc?
Mini 14, 30, SKS and two MN 44s. "Carbine Lifer".
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