Will it weaken the top strap?


New member
I purchased a Weigand rail to mount to my Ruger Super Blackhawk .454 Casull. One hole uses the rear sight hole, but two more holes must be drilled which are about 1/4" apart. I called Ruger and they didn't recommend doing it because they have never tested such a set up and said it could weaken the top strap. The guy at Weigand said that is the only rail they offer that would work on a .454 Casull because of the recoil. Do any of you have any experience with whetherit would indeed weaken the top starp? Thanks.
If you remove any metal from the top strap, yes it will weaken it.
You are not dealing with a normal handgun cartridge, the 454
operates well into high performance rifle area's as far as operating
pressures go!
While recognizing that Ruger would create a huge liability issue for themselves if they recommended doing it without having tested it fairly extensively, I think it should also be recognized that probably nobody knows Ruger products better than Ruger. If they don't recommend it, I would be reluctant to risk it.
I’ll bet it is simply untested. No engineer or engineering firm would commit to something not fully simulated and tested to extreme levels.

Saying anything without that data and evaluation is reckless. Why would they evaluate something not in their own interest?
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