Will Gun Control Lose by Winning?


New member
A recent thread about the war on drugs was closed because the discussion had nothing to do with guns. The general opinion among those responding was that we were losing this "war". After decades of ever increasing efforts to defeat this enemy, even the most rabid administration spinmeister would not be able to convince the American people that we are winning.
Why? Why are we losing?
We have spent billions of dollars, imprisoned thousands of people, utilized the resources of our military, conducted chemical warfare in foreign countries and all we seem to have done is institutionalize corruption at every level of society.
So why are we losing?
Because people WANT drugs. It's as simple as that. As long as there is a demand, there will be a supply. No new laws, or more police and prisons or posturing politicians will change that.
So what does this have to do with guns?
Has anyone noticed what's going on beyond all the political rhetoric and the attendent media frenzy?
People are flocking to gun stores!
Even though the pending legislation doesn't ban any particular type of firearm, people are buying more guns. Many of these people are new, first time gun buyers!
Anyone try to buy an AR lately? I've been told that there's an average wait of 3-4 months for most models.
Now some of this gun rush is undoubtably due to Y2K fears as well as a concern about possible future gun bans. But the underlying reasons are the same... a lack of faith on the part of the American people in the government's ability to protect them.
In other words, people WANT guns!
Despite the biased, one sided media hype, the rigged polls, the ceaseless trampling on the graves of all the slain children, the people are voting with their wallets.
They WANT guns.
The funny thing is that something like this happens every time gun control advances. The gun manufacturers see their profits go up.
I recently saw an exasperated spokesman for one of the gun control groups lament that this new development, this surge in LEGAL gun sales, warranted additional legislation. Huh?!
An article on the development of the "smart" gun pointed out that some gun control proponents are starting to feel that their demands for this type of firearm may backfire on them. Instead of making current designs a potential legal liability as they hoped, a study has shown that there is a potential market of over 60 million NEW gun buyers who would purchase a reliable smart gun. "New" as in, they don't presently own any guns.
More guns instead of fewer. More gun owners as well.
A bigger and more powerful NRA?
This is the stuff nightmares are made out of for the Brady bunch.
This does not mean that I think we don't still have a rough road ahead of us. But I do see a silver lining in that dark cloud.

Just an additional comment. My 20 year old daughter just informed me that she joined the NRA yesterday. She plans on taking the course to obtain her CCW later this year. Then she mentioned something about getting that new Glock for her 21st birthday present.
Besides more gun owners, I believe gun control will accomplish the following (just like tobacco in CA):

1) Fewer guns outside the home for legit purposes as non-compliers will have to keep them hidden. Further, I predict fewer ranges and increased hunting fees and "instructional fees".
2) Related to #1, with fewer examples of legit useage readily seen, they will be an easy target for continued demonization and propaganda.....(think tobacco), resulting in fewer gun advocates in coming generations
3) Revenue generation from all the new permits/licenses...add on special "penalty" taxes as well (think tobacco)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
The same analysis could be applied to Prohibition -- people want alcohol. One lasting effect of Prohibition is that made law-abiding citizens, who normally would not engage in crimnal behavior, have to choose between taking a drink and thereby become "criminals." or following the law. What did people do? Respect for the rule of law is lost bit by bit when laws are enacted that force people to violate them in order to engage in otherwise harmless behavior.
Well, I know some don't see the link, but ... I grew up with driveby shootings. On TV. The Untouchables and gangster movies. Regarding Prohibition. Watch an Edward G. Robinson movie (1948) called 'Key Largo', as I recall. Great little speech in there about how terrific laws against liquor were - did a lot for business if you were a bootlegger.

IMHO, drugs may indeed destroy America. Not because of the drugs themselves, but because of our idiotic reaction to them. In the name of the drug war we are trashing the Constitution - seizing property without criminal convictions of the owners, imposing draconian gun control laws, filling our prisons to capacity, and spawning tremendous violence in relation to the huge business of drugs. If you're a drug dealer, you can't resolve your 'disputes' in court. There was a great deal of violence during Prohibition - the St. Valentine's Day Massacre led to the NFA in 1934. There is a great deal of violence during Drug Prohibition. What a coincidence. Think about it.

But, we'll never change. We'll just keep doing more of the same. After all, if we can save just one kid from drugs, what does a little Constitution matter?
Karanas - I hope your daughter will be well trained and well armed upon attaining her majority, may she live long in peace and prosperity.

I think the general permise in very interesting and I hope it's true. I go back and forth between 'the masses are asses' and 'people aren't as dumb as the politicians seem to think',but in this case, I think the public is voting with its wallet and it's heart. Most of us do understand waht the self in self-defense really means, and we aren't really dumb enough to trust the wimps, and I hope there will be most harsh retribution if anyone is ever harmed due to their stupidity.