Will Birdshots feed into a semi-auto?

Will Birdshot rounds feed into a semi-auto rifle without having to manually pull back the bolt? Because I have a Mossberg Plinkster and I think I'm going to buy the birdshot ammunition for it.
Not likely my friend. I have a remington 597 which wont feed them so i just use the old single shot cooey for shooting sparrows in the shop. The range of birdshot in a rifled barrel is apalling you wont take down a sparrow sized bird outside of 15 yards on a good day but in the shop at the farm i can sit out and shoot till i run out of birds and the cats and Golden lab (Flash) will keep em cleaned up too.
The birds try to take over my warehouse every year and no matter what kind of scare tactics I used, they would just get used to it, and move right back in on me.
They were pulling the insullation out from the wire on my roof.
I went to the local pawn shop and had them go to the back and find the most worn out 22 that he could find. I got lucky and found one that had been shot a lot. I took some emory cloth and a drill and took the riflings out ( What was left of them) and believe it or not, you can shoot a pretty good pattern for about 20 yards with it.
No more bird problems.
Your not supposed to alter the caliber of any rifle, but since the rifle never leaves the warehouse and is only used for birds on the inside of the building, I would hope that, the powers at large, will spend their time finding real criminals, and not spend our tax dollars, looking down the barrels of worn out 22s.
Since the caliber has not been altered, I don't know if it would be LEGAL or not.
Your not supposed to alter the caliber of any rifle

I believe it's the ballistic fingerprints that are "inalterable", not the caliber. Drilling out the rifling would be an example of altering the ballistic fingerprints and could be ruled illegal.
Your not supposed to alter the caliber of any rifle, but since the rifle never leaves the warehouse and is only used for birds on the inside of the building, I would hope that, the powers at large, will spend their time finding real criminals, and not spend our tax dollars, looking down the barrels of worn out 22s.
Since the caliber has not been altered, I don't know if it would be LEGAL or not.
I understand your reasoning, I would just hate to hear of you getting arrested for making a rifleled barrel into a smoothbore.
Turning a rifle into a shotgun IS a felony. But, since we all know that it was some thirty years back and the rifle/gun no longer exists, the statute of limitations has run out and the issue is moot. And we won't talk about it anymore.

:), Art
But, since we all know that it was some thirty years back and the rifle/gun no longer exists, the statute of limitations has run out and the issue is moot. And we won't talk about it anymore.

Bwaaahahaha. :D

On the birdshot, just pull the bolt back between each shot to manually cycle them. Not a problem.
Ruger say using birdshot rounds in their semi autos will damage the barrel as the chamber is too short for the longer case. I use an old bolt action for them , no problems with that, like Jsieme.