Will be selling some guns, need some advice on a few


New member
I know it is never a popular idea here to sell guns. However, I want to pare back my collection for a few reasons, and I've sat on it for years and still want to do so, so it is time. There are guns I bought when they were the best choice for me, and no longer are. There are guns I bought that now have better alternatives I'd rather have (and money is a limited commodity). I could use the infusion of cash from selling several guns I don't really use. While some I have decided for sure that I'm selling, there are a few that I'm undecided on (not because I love the guns so much, just not sure which track is the better one to take).

I have a first generation S&W 1911SC*. Good gun, but a little light when shooting several boxes of .45acp at the range. I also have a RIA Rock Standard CS (steel framed Officer sized gun). It is more comfortable to shoot at the range for extended sessions, but for the first box or two I am a bit more accurate with the 1911PD's 4.25" barrel than the RIA Compact's shorter barrel. The S&W will net more money, though it is the better overall gun. So, I'm not sure which to sell and which to keep.

There is another wrinkle for the 1911s. I have not carried (when in a state where I can carry) a SAO pistol in years. Both of the above were bought to be carry guns, and the considerations about which to keep largely revolve around which is better as a range gun. So, maybe I should sell both and replace them with a full size? While a part of paring back my collection is wanting the cash, a bigger part is wanting a collection that better fits my current needs. So, this seems like a great option. Further, if I sell both, and keep the replacement reasonable (say a Ruger instead of Kimber or Springfield Armory) I could have money left (though I'd likely get a Kimber, which even with the issues some have should be fine for a range gun, or a SA and get the exact version I want).

I love CZs, so I have ended up with a full sized CZ 75B, a CZ 75B Compact, a P01 and a PCR. Having all of the last 3 just doesn't seem to make sense. I always wanted a PCR, but for a while they were hard to find (at least around here). I ended up settling on a P01 so I could have one. I never warmed to it (mainly because it was an alternative to the gun I really wanted). Then a year or two later, I got (over about a week) the Compact and the PCR. Now, I love the P01 (mine is also a little different as it is green). I have shot it more than the PCR, and carried it more (when in a carry state) so it may actually make more sense to be the one I keep. But I always wanted a PCR, and love my PCR, and I'd hate to be upset if I part with it. The Compact probably makes the most sense to be the one I get rid of, it is better at the range, but I have the full-size for that. However, I'm not sure how much sense it makes to have both the P01 and PCR when I'm trying to streamline my collection a bit, one or the other and the Compact make more sense (they are more differentiated) if I keep two.

Carry guns
I live in MD where a carry permit is nearly impossible unless you are a business owner (I'm a teacher... though, I wonder if I opened a tutoring business on the side...). However, I do have a UT non-resident permit on which I can carry in WV, DE, and VA (I can be in any of them in a hour or so, some less, and I often do go there for various reasons). I also like carry sized guns and really collected for a while. There are some I know I'm getting rid of (S&W 442, Kel Tec Pf-9), some I'm definitely keeping, but these are possibly on the chopping block...

-SIG P250 Compact (.45acp). It is a bit big as a carry gun, but that is what I bought it for. I haven't carried it in at least 5 years, it sits in my quick access safe by my bedside as my 1st home defense backup (my first line is my Taurus 856 that sits in a pocket holster under my pillow when I sleep and often gets dropped in a pocket when puttering around the house, though that is sometimes switched off with my SIG P290RS). It may not be worth much, but it doesn't get carried anymore, and with the heavy DAO trigger it isn't as fun as my 1911s as a range gun, so it rarely even is shot. But, it is 100% reliable and it is a good solid gun (reliable, accurate, comfortable to shoot so quick follow up shots) which makes it a good home defense gun.

-SIG P290RS. I really do like this gun. However, if I was buying in this class today, there are several guns I'd pick over it. For what it is, it is simply too heavy. Also, for when I do carry, I am visiting other states. I am not in my home state. So, my larger carry guns (Taurus 856, Colt King Cobra new model, S&W M&P40c, CZ PCR/P01/75 Compact, SIG P229) work fine since I'm going to be in khakis or jeans, not workout clothes or suits/dress slacks where the material requires the smallest and lightest choices. So, maybe I'd be better served selling it for now, and replacing it with a more modern option when I move (or the courts finally make MD do the right thing with shall-issue), or when I otherwise decide it is time to buy in this category again.

-Ruger LCP. Similar reasoning as the second half of the P290 reasoning applies here. Also, this one I never really loved all that much, barely like it. It also has practically non-existent sights, though that has largely been solved by adding a Crimson Trace laser. For years, the main reason I kept it is it wasn't worth much. With current gun prices, it still isn't worth much, but I could get enough to justify selling it. However, it does have a decent potential role to fill (just don't use it much since I don't need something that conceals this easily). The main reason I may not sell... I might be moving in a year (due to the COVID caused recession, I've put off my job search in VA by a year, I'd hate to be hired, have things get worse, and be 1st on the list for layoffs due to being new). Courts could rule MD laws unconstitutional at any time (I hope). Should I find myself in a situation where I can get a permit at home, I probably would want something this size for working out and when in a suit, and I already have a good option if I don't sell it (even though I might buy something else if I was starting from scratch, this one isn't a bad choice).

So as for advice...
I guess I'm mostly looking for help on the 1911 decision... Which to keep, or better to go full size? I think I'm leaning towards full size.

On the CZs, that is mostly emotion based so unbiased opinions are welcome, but I'll probably keep the PCR. The main question is PCR plus one of the others, and if a pair, which 2nd gun, or only the PCR?

On the carry guns, I think I could use some input.

Correction... I first labeled the S&W 1911SC as the 1911PD. Mine is the first gen 1911SC, which I believe became the 1911PD, possibly with a few changes.
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Chaim said:
I have a first generation S&W 1911PD. Good gun, but a little light when shooting several boxes of .45acp at the range. I also have a RIA Rock Standard CS (steel framed Officer sized gun). It is more comfortable to shoot at the range for extended sessions, but for the first box or two I am a bit more accurate with the 1911PD's 4.25" barrel than the RIA Compact's shorter barrel. The S&W will net more money, though it is the better overall gun. So, I'm not sure which to sell and which to keep.

There is another wrinkle for the 1911s. I have not carried (when in a state where I can carry) a SAO pistol in years. Both of the above were bought to be carry guns, and the considerations about which to keep largely revolve around which is better as a range gun. So, maybe I should sell both and replace them with a full size? While a part of paring back my collection is wanting the cash, a bigger part is wanting a collection that better fits my current needs. So, this seems like a great option. Further, if I sell both, and keep the replacement reasonable (say a Ruger instead of Kimber or Springfield Armory) I could have money left (though I'd likely get a Kimber, which even with the issues some have should be fine for a range gun, or a SA and get the exact version I want).
I'm not really a fan of S&W 1911s, because they use external extractors. That aside, I have owned more Commander-size and Officers ACO-size 1911s than full-size. To me, the Commander is the optimum form factor for the 1911. For me, it balances better than a full-size, and that means it shoots better (for me) than a full-size.

Yes, you could sell both and have enough to buy a Kimber, but why would you do such a thing? A Kimber certainly isn't a better pistol (IMHO) than a S&W. You would probably spend virtually all the money you get for both to buy one Kimber. To me, that's a deal that doesn't make sense. A Commander-size 1911 is a good carry pistol and a good range pistol, so keep the S&W and sell the RIA.

I love CZs, so I have ended up with a full sized CZ 75B, a CZ 75B Compact, a P01 and a PCR. Having all of the last 3 just doesn't seem to make sense. I always wanted a PCR, but for a while they were hard to find (at least around here). I ended up settling on a P01 so I could have one. I never warmed to it (mainly because it was an alternative to the gun I really wanted). Then a year or two later, I got (over about a week) the Compact and the PCR. Now, I love the P01 (mine is also a little different as it is green). I have shot it more than the PCR, and carried it more (when in a carry state) so it may actually make more sense to be the one I keep. But I always wanted a PCR, and love my PCR, and I'd hate to be upset if I part with it. The Compact probably makes the most sense to be the one I get rid of, it is better at the range, but I have the full-size for that. However, I'm not sure how much sense it makes to have both the P01 and PCR when I'm trying to streamline my collection a bit, one or the other and the Compact make more sense (they are more differentiated) if I keep two.
I really can't help you here. I love the CZ-75 Compact, so that's the one I would keep. Your affections lean in a different direction.
I am the other way 'round.
I am past carrying an all metal pistol for longer than a typical IDPA or USPSA club match, so I prefer full size 1911 and CZ. My old Commander is in honorable retirement, and if somebody shows an interest in my souped up OACP, I will make a deal.

I have slithered all the way down to a Glock 43 and a Ruger LC9s for concealed carry. My Kahr now holds down the fort at this computer desk.
I'm not really a fan of S&W 1911s, because they use external extractors. That aside, I have owned more Commander-size and Officers ACO-size 1911s than full-size. To me, the Commander is the optimum form factor for the 1911. For me, it balances better than a full-size, and that means it shoots better (for me) than a full-size.

Yes, you could sell both and have enough to buy a Kimber, but why would you do such a thing? A Kimber certainly isn't a better pistol (IMHO) than a S&W. You would probably spend virtually all the money you get for both to buy one Kimber. To me, that's a deal that doesn't make sense. A Commander-size 1911 is a good carry pistol and a good range pistol, so keep the S&W and sell the RIA...
I do like the form factor of a Commander sized 1911. Even without carry, the size is perfect for the gun IMO. The problem is the alloy, the weight and design combo makes it start to get uncomfortable after a couple boxes of ammo. I don't want to just say the design or weight. My polymer SIG P250C is about the same weight, and much more comfortable to shoot in extended sessions at the range (but the trigger isn't great for long sessions at the range). The full sized Charles Daly I used to have, and the Officer sized all steel RIA I have are much more comfortable in long sessions so it isn't just the design. But something about the slim 1911 design and the light weight doesn't work in combination for me in long days at the range. Maybe I could look for an all steel Commander sized 1911 instead of the full-sized, but the full sized would be easier to find.

As for the Kimber, I am sure the S&W is overall a better gun. However, a Kimber is the best looking gun in its price range IMO. I know they are known for being more problematic than a S&W, SIG or SA 1911. However, for a range only gun, occasionally stopping to rack the slide to clear a FTF or FTE isn't such a big deal, it will still be a fun gun, and it will be one of the best looking guns to take out of my safe occasionally to admire when not shooting it. Also, the SA or Colt would more likely be the way I go. That might leave me a little extra money after selling, but yes, it would mostly be about selling two guns that were what I wanted at the time (1911 carry guns) for something that better suits me now, just a pretty even exchange.

I really can't help you here. I love the CZ-75 Compact, so that's the one I would keep. Your affections lean in a different direction.

I definitely like the Compact, quite a bit in fact. However, I prefer DA/SA with a decocker over cocked and locked condition 1, or manually lowering the hammer to carry in DA mode. Also, for carry, when I got it, I found there was little difference to me between the heavier steel gun and a lighter aluminum alloy. But, since Sept I have lost between 85 to almost 90 pounds (and I'm still losing, though pretty slowly at this point). I think I'd notice a bigger difference on my belt than I did then. Heck, since the weight loss I've mostly carried the Taurus 856UL when I could carry, I may find my favored carry guns (traditional compacts like the 75 Compact/PCR/P01/P229) may be too big now, I don't know (I'll find out tomorrow, I'm heading down to VA overnight tomorrow through Sun morning). So, if it is going to be used for mainly range purposes, my full sized CZ 75B makes more sense due to being a tad larger and heavier still (and I'm never getting rid of that one- over a decade ago when I stopped counting I was well over 10K rounds, it is a sentimental favorite at this point). Though, like I said, if I decide to keep 2 of the compact CZs, the 75 Compact plus either the P01 or PCR probably makes more sense than the P01 and PCR.
Although I am personally an avid acolyte of Cheapshooters guidelines for guns I wish you the best.

P.S. I also subscribe to the firearms owner's prayer "Please don't let my spouse sell my guns for what I told them I paid for them."

It would be interesting, but very nosey, to be told what you wind up doing.
I am the other way 'round.
I am past carrying an all metal pistol for longer than a typical IDPA or USPSA club match, so I prefer full size 1911 and CZ. My old Commander is in honorable retirement, and if somebody shows an interest in my souped up OACP, I will make a deal.

I have slithered all the way down to a Glock 43 and a Ruger LC9s for concealed carry. My Kahr now holds down the fort at this computer desk.

For me, since I can only carry part-time (no MD state CCW permit), I don't need the smaller carry gun. I'm usually only in a state where I can carry for an afternoon, or a weekend trip. Once every year or two, I may go for a week or so. So, something bigger and heavier works fine. Also, I'm there in jeans or khakis (maybe khaki/chino shorts), not athletic wear or a suit/dress slacks, so I don't need something as light and small as possible to avoid printing in the lightweight material. In my case, I prefer to go a little larger and heavier for better functionality over a smaller and lighter, but more concealable, gun. If MD ever goes shall-issue (or if I start a tutoring business and that is self-employed enough by the MD State Police's judgement to award me a CCW permit) or I move and start carrying daily, my choice may change.
Although I am personally an avid acolyte of Cheapshooters guidelines for guns I wish you the best.

P.S. I also subscribe to the firearms owner's prayer "Please don't let my spouse sell my guns for what I told them I paid for them."

I rarely sell. A few I've sold and never cared much, but quite a few I regretted after the fact (though, most of those were sold because I needed the money, not so much because I really decided I was better off selling the gun). That is why I've thought this over (off and on) for several years. I actually decided a couple times that it was time, only to change my mind when trying to decide which ones should go. I have a list made of my definite choices, and I know it is time with them. This thread has the ones I really don't know for sure, the ones I'm most likely to regret (whether, in the case of the P250, it is just over the amount I may get vs. a solid, but soulless, gun, or in the case of the 1911s or CZs, guns I really like, but in the case of those 1911s one that doesn't really fit what I need/want anymore, or the CZs, is just too many of essentially the same thing to justify).

As for the second part... I'm not married (came close a few times, still may happen, but I'm happy being single too). I do tell my parents and my brother that, should I pass prematurely (having just turned 50, it would still be a bit prematurely), they should take them to a gun shop and put them on consignment. Don't try to sell on their own (they wouldn't know the laws or the going rates so they may inadvertently get in trouble or get taken), and do not sell to a store outright, ever! Consignment means it will likely be priced at a fair value for the area, and the store shouldn't get more than 20%.
Regarding the 1911s, I would sell both and get a good full-size all-steel one in 45ACP. My full-size series 70 is one of my most accurate handguns. It is a proven battle gun, 100% reliable, and if the world ever really turns to crap all over the place, it is what I will be packing, along with 4 spare magazines, in a nice hi-ride holster. And with the kind of crap I am talking about, you aren't going to give a rip bout your State's carry laws or how heavy it is on your belt. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, it will make for a VERY pleasing range gun.

I have no input for you regarding the other guns, I am iggorant as a post regarding those.
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Regarding the 1911s, I would sell both and get a good full-size all-steel one in 45ACP. My full-size series 70 is one of my most accurate handguns. It is a proven battle gun, 100% reliable, and if the world ever really turns to crap all over the place, it is what I will be packing, along with 4 spare magazines, in a nice hi-ride holster. And with the kind of crap I am talking about, you aren't going to give a rip bout your State's carry laws or how heavy it is on your belt. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, it will make for a VERY pleasing range gun.

I used to think a 1911 would be my 'if the world went to total crap' gun. Now, I'm thinking two directions... If it is something where carrying is considered acceptable, so size doesn't matter, probably my full sized, and maybe one of my compact CZs. More likely, police would see all of us as threats, especially if armed (see the New Orleans reaction during Katrina), so being as discrete as possible would be prudent (while still emphasizing as much capability as possible). In that situation, I'd likely go with my S&W M&P40c with the 10 round mag loaded (for concealability) and the 15 round as backup. The compact CZs would work for about 2/3 of the year, but once the summer clothes were out, they would be a bit big perhaps. Though, in the second situation, I may go back to a 1911- full size gun (or nearly with a Commander sized gun), the weight allows faster follow up shots, yet it is narrow enough to conceal pretty well (I also have a ton of spare mags and some spare parts).
I won’t comment on what you want to sell or buy. That is personal choice. I’ve owned literally thousands of guns. I could never have done this unless I sold and traded. Guys who are always running their mouth they wouldn’t sell a gun either haven’t owned many or were wealthy. My Bro is always hacking on me for have offing something that is now worth big bucks. Yea, that is true but 60 yrs ago a dollar was worth a lot more. Of all the guns the OP has mentioned there is very little chance of value going up. This class of pistols doesn’t lend itself to collector pricing. These guns will be sold solely on performance as a tool.
I used to think a 1911 would be my 'if the world went to total crap' gun. Now, I'm thinking two directions... If it is something where carrying is considered acceptable, so size doesn't matter, probably my full sized, and maybe one of my compact CZs. More likely, police would see all of us as threats, especially if armed (see the New Orleans reaction during Katrina), so being as discrete as possible would be prudent (while still emphasizing as much capability as possible). In that situation, I'd likely go with my S&W M&P40c with the 10 round mag loaded (for concealability) and the 15 round as backup. The compact CZs would work for about 2/3 of the year, but once the summer clothes were out, they would be a bit big perhaps. Though, in the second situation, I may go back to a 1911- full size gun (or nearly with a Commander sized gun), the weight allows faster follow up shots, yet it is narrow enough to conceal pretty well (I also have a ton of spare mags and some spare parts).
With my gun rig I can easily conceal my full-size 1911 and four spare magazines. If I need more than that it will be time for my tactical 12 gauge and full bandoleer which can also be concealed by the way.
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I'm a CZ guy. Rami/PCR/early 85. Keep the PCR. That is a gun I'd never forgive myself if I sold it.

The PCR stays because its, well, a PCR. Keep the full size 75 because its a full size 75 and a modern classic
K ... so ...

1911 - follow your heart and sell both. If you are only going to have 1 it should be a government model.

CZ - keep the PCR 'cause you love it. If you keep another, it should be one you shoot better than the PCR.

Or ... sell the 1911s and the CZs to make room for your new CZ DWX:


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I'm a CZ guy. Rami/PCR/early 85. Keep the PCR. That is a gun I'd never forgive myself if I sold it.

The PCR stays because its, well, a PCR. Keep the full size 75 because its a full size 75 and a modern classic

Most likely, the compact that stays will be the PCR. The main question is PCR and 75 Compact, PCR and P01 (despite functionally being the same gun) or just the PCR. I know I put out there the possibly keeping the P01 instead of the PCR, and logically I probably should (I have shot and carried it more, and the green finish does make it a little more unique, while mechanically and functionally there is little to no difference), but I had wanted a PCR since they first came out and it took me forever to actually get one.

How do you like your RAMI? It is very likely that if both of the other compact CZs go, I'll end up picking up a RAMI. I don't necessarily need it (the S&W M&P40C fits that size niche very well), but since when has gun buying been only about need? If it was, I wouldn't have ended up with a CZ 75B Compact, P01 and a PCR. The difference here is the RAMI is smaller than the PCR, and in 9mm while my M&P40c is a .40S&W (thus sitting in a slightly different niche than either).

The full size CZ 75B will never be on the chopping block. Hence my CZ 75B Compact being in strong consideration as a sell. With the P01 and PCR it (the Compact) has been used as only a range gun. In that role, the CZ 75B is a better choice being full-sized (the theoretical idea behind the Compact as a range gun is that the training better transfers to the P01 and PCR, but, I can simply shoot those at the range a good deal as well- the size and weight is pretty solid for a 9mm). Also, I've had the 75B full sized for so long, and shot so many rounds through it, that I would never consider parting with it (even if, God forbid, I someday became homeless, it is one of two or three guns I'd try to find a way to keep instead of selling).

1911 - follow your heart and sell both. If you are only going to have 1 it should be a government model.

CZ - keep the PCR 'cause you love it. If you keep another, it should be one you shoot better than the PCR.

Or ... sell the 1911s and the CZs to make room for your new CZ DWX:

On the 1911s, that or keeping the S&W are the most likely. The RIA is easier to shoot in extended range sessions due to the weight though. But it is a RIA (and I have only had it about 5 years) so it is the one I'd be least likely to miss. The S&W is (other than the CZs, because, CZ) the one I'd most likely miss having if I sold it. However, for my uses, I am pretty convinced that I'd be better off with the full-sized gun, only emotion/sentimentality might keep the S&W around.

As for that CZ/DW hybrid DWZ, how can something that comes from two of the best looking pistols on the market be so ugly? How can something so ugly and seemingly odd be so intriguing? Honestly, I could never consider the full-sized version of that, but the compact without a rail isn't too bad. If it was about $700 less, it could be a possibility.
I'm doing something I seldom if ever do here. I'm skipping over the other responses.

I might be moving in a year (due to the COVID caused recession, I've put off my job search in VA by a year, I'd hate to be hired, have things get worse, and be 1st on the list for layoffs due to being new).
You mention being a teacher....
I would give long hard thought to the direction your profession is going to be headed in the next few years.
I don't know how much time you have in so far, but, you have to look down the road towards your future & your ultimate retirement.
It's hard to ull out a crystal ball and look in it - but - it is easy to see what direction teaching is headed.
On-line schooling was beginning to make inroads over the last 10 years. The Covid is going to force more and more of that to happen. On-line schooling is huge in other countires. My daughter in law teaches Chinese students English over the internet as a part time way of earning money. She could make far more doing that instead of here regular classrom teaching job (she teaches thrid grade) - but - there are no benifits & no teachers retirement fund.

Anyhow - if it's a cash flow problem you're having - I can ask her for some details about the Chinese kids & PM them to you. She's told me before they are in constant need of people & they pay fairly well.

Having said that - I'll repeat my suggestion for selling anything:
Do I like it - yes or no?

If the answer is - no - it's gone in a heartbeat.
If the answer is - yes- then my next question is:
How much will it cost to replace it?

Using my own LCP as an example,,,,I like it, but, I don't love it.
I' look at the Pico & I like it better.
I may or my not replace my LCP with one.

Anyhow - good luck with what's going on.
I am not going to weigh in on the direction teaching is going or I will bet my butt in trouble. My advice is get out of it and find another profession.
Is that an LCP I or II?

I just ordered a LCP II for my wife a couple of hours ago...dag nab it!

How much?

She has and LCR 327 of her own and has use of my SP101 2.25 (she shoots 38 sp) and is interested in a pocket book gun smaller than the LCR (????women...lol).

I might be still interested if the price is right!
I love my CZ's Chaim. I like the RAMI and carry it more in the summer time as its easier to conceal than the PCR, but I like the PCR so much better. Functionally, the only difference between the P01 and PCR is a rail as far as I know. A rail on a carry gun is like tits on a tree as far as I'm concerned. Might look cool, but concealed carry gets harder with anything mounted to it and finding a good holster for such is even harder. Better nightstand guns IMHO. However yours having the green finish is near unobtanium. I've only even seen one other in the wild and it was a dealers carry gun. For that reason, personally, I'd keep it.

RAMI/PCR? My PCR has the decocker, my RAMI is the safety model. Only because it was the only RAMI I could find. I prefer deckockers on DA/SA carry guns. I've never trained tactically in any meaningful way on a SAO/1911 platform and don't care to learn so that is out for me.

The RAMI as a small carry gun? I carry it because I like it. I like the CZ platform and ergo's so I'm confident with it. The weight nearly disappears in a Desanti's pocket holster in a pair of shorts, however I do think there may be better and lighter choices out there. I'd like to pick up a decocker version at some point just because.

A few buddies have asked me what is the one pistol I'd bug out with in a zombie infested world and for me it is my PCR. It isn't a perfect 10/10 gun in anything, but its a solid 8//10 in nearly everything.
For 1911's I would keep the RIA. I find them to be quality weapons. I sold my full size RIA 1911 and am sorry I let it go. If you do sell both and replace them later I would stay away from Kimber. IMO they are overpriced and problematic. I know two guys each had a Kimber and each had problems with their guns. That's my 2 cents, and I don't envy you at having to make decisions like this. Best of luck to you.