will anti gun states ever set up border checkpoints?


We have these agricultural checkpoints in Florida, I wonder if places like California and Massechusetts will set up checkpoints and inspection stations to prevent people from bringing in guns, ammo, and magazines. Realistically it's only going to stop law abiding citizens from smuggling, but it is pretty much the way the Leftists operate and just the sort of thing I'd expect them to try.

How long until there is aproposal for it? how many people would voluntarily submit to inspection?
Agricultural checkpoints have a basis in Federal Law and are not criminal in nature. On what basis would ALL cars entering X state be searched?:confused:

WildnoauthorityAlaska ™
I think the biggest question would be who is going to pay for it? Can't imagine what the price tag for a cop on every road into and out of an entire state would be. Let 'em try it with drugs first, see if it works.:D
They've tried drug checkpoints within states and it didn't fly, City of Indianapolis v. Edmond (2000). Probably not going to work with guns.

Unless of course they were public safety checkpoints or sobriety checkpoints.
Its not illegal to bring a gun or ammo into Massachusetts as long as the guns are locked up and separate from the ammo.
Considering they can't even stop a group of Mexicans from running across our main border illegally, I don't think they could handle trying to stop entrance/exit to states
A police state will always find a way.

Screech needs aside, that really has nothing to do with this discussion..

O wait, I get it, you are alleging that California and Massachusets are police states...how unperceptive of me...:rolleyes:

Seems to me both places are pretty libertarian with respect to their views on choice and marraige:eek::D

WildjustnotyourtypeoflibertarianAlaska TM
Could an officer at a agricultural check point as you leave the United States and enter California not ask if you had any weapons in your vehicle?
In searching for a 'rogue golden delicious apple' and finding your chambered Springfield XD 45 ACP, would they not still drag your sorry ass off to jail?
They set up check points at borders here in VA during the summer to combat Firework smuggling. Why? because for years kids were blowing there hands off and starting fires so the citizens in VA forced the goverment to act. I dont feel like I live in a police state because the cops are checking for fireworks one month out of the year and I dont let it get to me. I just order my fireworks online or smuggle in the off season. That being said, there is no precedent for anything like the OP posted, not even during some of our worst natural disasters or attacks. And unlike fireworks, guns have some sort of protection under the constution, enough to stop that before it got anywhere....

Back to this police state business, I think alot of us really need to take a vactation to a place like North Korea, Burma, Syria, Lybia, Turkmanistan and then talk about a police state. We dont wake up with new laws, its a long process that involves voters and citizens. Just because many of us choose to be ignorant of that process or wait till after the fact to piss and moan, doesnt make this a police state. Sorry but as of lately I've been hanging out in the Legal and Political section and I'm really thinking we should change the name to Milita & Consperist.
The government does no wrong?

Gold confiscation in the 30s, internment camps for nipon-american citizens in the 40s, forced sterilizations (refer to planed parenthood policies), New orleans gun confiscations after katrina. Thats just off the cuff.
being a former Mass resident I don't see how this will work because there is no way it can be enforced. In Massachusetts there are only 2000 State Police officers to patrol the entire State including huge cities. Local town and city police do not have jurisdiction out side there respective limits and they do not have the manpower to allocate to defending the state broader. Who will do the searches? Unless there is a massive expansion of the State police and maybe the creation of a new patrol agency I do not see this ever happening. Right now many of the state truck weight stations and even rest stops are closed due to budget cuts. The state has serious financial problems. I don't see Boston(Capital) getting the funds to create checkpoints on every road that goes through the state. You would have to stop millions of motorist, and vehicles a year. Since all major roads in New England pass through Massachusetts, I don't see how having checkpoints on all the roads would not create a major congestion throughout New England. It would likely destroy Massachusetts fragile economy and create major problems with surrounding states.
I 80 heading west into CA has a spot

Where they tell out of plate vehicles to stop, but it hasn't been manned in years.
I used to get nervous transporting 15 round mags into the state but nothing ever happened.
Now I try not to visit.
They'll probably set up check points and call them safety checkpoints or sobriety check points...some day...for your own good
I can remember the CT State Police attempting to stop the illicit trafficking of alcohol from NH. Something about lost taxes. It didn't work out very well.
Don't you know that they already have sensors behind billboards that do that. :eek: You should always stop just before crossig the state lines and make sure you are legal in the new state or the police will catch you within 3 mile of crossing the border. :mad: Or at least that is what I read on the Internet telling about how you should handle crossing state lines with guns. :D
Check points?

California now has 'agricultural' check points at major entrances to California. However, as has been mentioned, there are limits on personnel, and there are still limits on 'searches'.

I've been asked on occasion at the ag checks if I had any fresh fruit. I've never been 'searched'. I'm not sure of the legality of a non-consensual search when crossing state lines - there could be some loop hole for non-criminal matters.

Someone asked about "Can an agriculture find a gun and turn everything over to the police?" The basic answer is "Yes". Any evidence of a crime discovered by anyone who has legal authority to be looking (like a electric meter reader finding marijuana growing) is fair game. However, and this is a big HOWEVER, using 'pretexual' searches is unconstitutional. Which is to say, a state government cannot establish a checkpoint for legal - non-criminal in this case - "reviews" and then use it for Fourth Amendment searches and seizures. In this case, the searching authority must have reason to be looking for apples - not guns.

The bad news is this sort of thing can be difficult to establish. The good news is the Supreme Court is death on such things.

Interstate travel, that is, FREE interstate travel, is a customary and expected action of U. S. citizens and residents. The Constitution and Supreme Court are supportive of this right. Let's see what the current Second Amendment SCOTUS case produces.