Will A 2x Doubler Change The Fiels Of View?


New member
My neighbor down the road has let me borrow his Gen.1-2.5X50 NV scope that I am playing around with at short range for armadillos in my yard at night.
He has moved on to Gen 3 scopes.
I ran into another friend the other day who has a 50mm Doubler that he says will thread into the lens of the scope and make it into a 5X50.
What can I expect from adding the doubler as far as "field of view" width compared to the 2.5 X 50 lens?
I have to admit to being uneducated on this subject and any replies are welcome. :)
It will halve exactly.
Think of the doubler as a magnifying glass that expands the center of the image & spreads it out over the whole viewing area. It will reduce light output by 75% (2-stops or 50% plus a half of 50%) as compared to the original because its removing 1/2 the radius of the imaging (objective) lens by only "seeing" the center 50%.:eek:
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