Wiley: Wrong place, wrong time!


New member
I just love to pop a cap on Wiley Coyote. I'd almost rather do that then deer hunt! In fact, the guys in my deer camp usually tease each other about their misses, etc, on deer. They don't say to much to me because I usually bust a coyote every trip. Even if I don't see a deer, Wiley usually pops up at the wrong time!! So far, I've gotten four, the next closest is two. Longest shot was 250 yards, shortest (also my first one) was about 5 yards. That was horizontal distance. He was about 10 yards below me though as I was sitting on a bluff, and he came in and bedded directly below me!!

This year, I'd already taken a fairly nice 6 pointer and was gunnin' for a doe. The doe problem is bad in Oklahoma this year and they're even having a special gun hunt for "does only" at the end of December!!! (that's rare)

Anyways, I was heading back to the blind to wait for Mrs. Buckmeister to come thru when I spots me a coyote standing in the wide open. Now it's 2 o'clock in the afternoon and everybody knows that no self-respectin' coyote is supposed to be out wandering around at that time of day!!!! So I pull up the 300 Win Mag (brand new this year and already has a buck to it's credit) and squeeze off the trigger!!! I rocked back and Wiley is knocked over!! I get out the rangefinder and it's 154 yards. The wind was blowin' pretty hard and it must have blown the 150 grain bullet off course (only feasible explanation ;) ) because it went in just in front of his right shoulder. He was quartering away from me, left to right when I shot. That Hornady SST blew the entire side of his neck out.

Needless to say, there was a bunch of howlin' that night as all his buddies was tryin' to find him!!!!
The carcass of Long Path's javelina is wired to a Salt Cedar, down by the creek bank. I figure on going down after the football game to check and see who's working on dinner. :)

I love to call them up, particularly in daytime. In my back-country playground, most of the coyotes have never seen people. I've called them up to the truck and had them running around barking, as if saying, "Where's my rabbit? You promised me a rabbit!"

Hard to get serious about shooting, when you're laughing real hard!

:D, Art
Art, LMAO!! That's hilarious!!! I haven't tried seriously hunting them yet. Just when one sticks his nose where it don't belong! I'll have to try the calling part of that sometime, should be a blast!!!
Danny Wherebouts in Oklahoma are you?

If you decide to do some callin for them, and you decide you need an extra gun maybe I can help:D

Evan, I'm in Tulsa. That would be alot of fun!!!! You bet, I'd like to have the company!!!! I've got another guy that will go too. He and I both have 300 Win Mags (kind of overpowered for 'yotes, but hey, they do the job!) I just picked up a Hi-Point 9mm carbine today at the gun show!! That thing is not only a BLAST to shoot, it's pretty darn accurate!!! May take it too!
I love to hear about deer hunters shooting yotes. I've got a good buddy at the NM Game and Fish who is working on the deer population problems in NM. Just the opposite from you guys our population is way down. As near as the biologists can tell it's been a combination of several tough winters and near cesation of coyote trapping in NM since the fur prices fell. My biologist buddy wants to make it mandatory for any big game hunter to shoot yotes on site during any hunting season. Or any time for that matter. If you want to do some yote bustin NM is hot right now. Lots of public land and more yotes than we know what to do with.
What a coincidence I am picking up a used Model 70 in .300 Win Mag later today assuming it hasn't sold.

Also did I misunderstand your post or did a gun Show slip through Tulsa under my Radar? Hell may in fact, be freezing over.

I enjoy coyote hunting to no end. I live in an area where I can do it almost any day. In fact I see more coyotes in town than anywhere else. I have been thinking about starting to hunt right in town with a bow (this is a small town some of which has miles between houses). You hit on one of the things I like about it, as long as you arn't going after the pelts, you can shoot any gun you want. Who cares if it is "too big for coyotes". I started off coyote hunting with my .444 Marlin using 300 grain bullets. I personally like to call them in heavy brush and shoot them with pistols. My average shot when calling is probably around five yards. A rifle just gets in the way. This year I have taken them with a Ruger P89, a Colt Officers Model, and a Ruger Blackhawk in .357 mag. We went out calling the other night. I didn't see a single coyote but, I got a bobcat with a .45 Colt lever action rifle. For calling, that Hi-Point carbine would be a good way to go. I have one of those and have intended to use it for coyotes but never got around to it.
In NM there is no closed season on coyotes you just can't shoot them before or after legal light on public ground. You can however shoot them at night on private land with the owners permission. For a non-resident you must be in possesion of any valid NM hunting license to hunt in the state so a non-resident small game would do it. Or if you have any other license like deer or anteolope your golden for the whole year. There is no licenese required for NM residents to shoot yotes in NM as they are classified as a non-protected varmint. A non resident year round small game will set you back about $75.00. But you can get a short term for about $25 or $30 for 3 or 5 days. If your wanting to come out drop a message here and I'll give you guys some hot spots, we go out and kill anywhere from 1 to 12 (our daily record) just about every time we go. We call em with predator calls or howling. Either that or you can drop me line at KTGYN@AOL.COM and happy hunting guys.
I have a lot of respect for coyotes,they're one of the hardest animals on earth to trap.
Anyways,I once caught a three-legged 13 pound female that appeared to have lost her leg to a deer rifle.
That yote took three .22 mags to the head and neck before going down.
Tough animal.

yes, the Grand National Gun and Knife show was in town this past weekend. Bummer that you missed it, but, everything was very expensive anyway! I finally picked up a 25 round mag for my 10/22. It was $40.00 (and the cheapest at the show) I saw a bunch for 60.00 and one for 75.00. A 50 rounder cost 145.00!!!!! What's up with that? You can buy 30 round AR-15 mags all day long for 15 bucks!!!! They had a bunch of dealers selling those little Jennings J22 .22 cal pistols for 85.00 and UP!!! Man, that's a 40 dollar pistol!!!!
Good luck with your 300! I love mine!! We need to get together and shoot some 'yotes. You up for a weekend trip to NM?? LOL (unless you know some good spots around here!)


I really want to try the calling aspect!! Would you suggest mouth calls, or electronic? You've called them in to 5 yards??? Dang, that's impressive! The first one I shot was only 5 yards too, but he was below me in a ravine. Had no clue I was anywhere around until I blew his whole front end off with a .270.


Sounds great!!!! May just take you up on some "guided hunts"!!!! LOL I'll get back with you! and Thank you very much for the info.
Danny, I am no big time coyote hunter, so that should tell you how hard it is. We use one of those Johnney Stewart electronic calls. We put about 50 feet of speaker wire on it. The dogs run right to the speaker. I once had my partner set up to call and I got on a hill about 200 yards away to watch the whole thing unfold. I live in the desert and you can see a long way. A coyote came at a dead run from MILES away right to the speaker. I have a mouth call that I use on occasion. I use it mostly when I see a coyote out of the blue. The mouth call is certainly a viable option and a cheap way to get into it. That is what I would be using all the time if my buddy didn't have the tape unit. As long as the dog doesn't see you or smell you, calling them right into you isn't a big trick. My hunting buddy was calling one day and was looking to his right. When he turned his head back to the left, there were two coyotes sniffing his pants leg. He shot the first one at contact range with a CAR-15. The main thing is to only move very very slowly and don't let them scent you. If you want them in close, hunt in thick brush where you can only see about 10 yards. I am sure coyotes have better eyes than I do, but they can't see much further than that. If you have the cash for an electronic call, go with the one that takes CDs. Another interesting story. I was out varmint hunting at night with a different guy riding along in his pickup. We saw a group of about 10 deer feeding about 100 yards away. He said, watch this. He took a tape from his caller and put it in his car stereo. He shut off the lights and the engine and played a tape of a deer fawn in distress. We waited a couple minutes, turned the headlights back on and the deer were sniffing the truck. I could have touched them from the window.
I dont' think the .300 is going to materialize I found rust all in the barrel. I am certainly at no disadvantage for weaponry though.

Doubtful on a weekend in NewMexico:D Got the finals and all.

I am pretty sure I have a place here in Northern Delaware County.

I will do some checking and If I plan something I'll Let you know.

Drifting toward calling in general: You never know what will show up. Bobcats and foxes; hawks and javelinas. Sometimes, a cougar.

Every now and then some magazine reprints the famous photo of an owl landing on the head of one of the Burnham brothers. (He was wearing a cap, fortunately.) And there is the story of a New Mexico squaller who was "run over" by a black bear--the bear was running downhill to the noise, and apparently stumbled and fell, creating mutual "startlement".

Uncertainty makes life spicier. :D

Thanks alot Art!!! Okay, now I have to take the 300 Mag, the 9mm carbine, the 12 gauge shotgun, the 10/22, and at least 2 .45's. That should do it!! Now, If I just had room for a call.....
Here is the result of my calling last week. I hope this works, I never tried to attach a picture before.
On the subject of guns. What you take depends on a couple different things. Are you hunting for pelts or not ? Obviously if you are, you need something that is going to humanely stop the animal without causing much hide damage. This is where your high velocity, centerfire .22s with non expanding bullets come into play. If you arn't, the sky is the limit but I wouldn't use anything that is on wheels. Secondly, how far are you going to be shooting ? This is largely determined by the terrain you are calling in and how far you can see. Obviously if you are hunting in thick cover, you are not going to be able to see very far and when you do see one, the action is going to be fast. Therefore a scoped rifle is more of a hinderence here than a help. A short rifle like my buddies CAR15, pistols, shotguns etc. are what is practical here. Open sights or optical sights (red dots) work best. If you are calling in the open desert or in farmers fields a scoped rifle would be the way to go. I am sure that when we are hunting in the thick stuff, a large number of coyotes circle us and catch our scent, and we don't even know it. In more open terrain, you would still see the dog before it spooks. Lastly you gun choice depends on how sporting you want to be. Some people just want to get a yote and sport isn't an issue. For me, shooting one with a shotgun is not interesting or fun. I know I can do it, so I don't see the point. That is why I use handguns most of the time. That is also why I call most of the time. It is no trick to drive around at night and spot coyotes with spotlights then shoot them with scoped rifles. I do this on occasion, but to me it is called shooting, not hunting. In addition to pistols I have a Ruger PC9 carbine with a red dot sight that I use. I also have .223 and .22-250 rifles I use for the longer range stuff.


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Art brings up another interesting point about calling, you never know what predator is going to show up. Anytime we are calling during the day, bird of prey immediatly respond to the call. The fact that you could call in a mountain lion is the reason I never call alone. It is a whole different ball game when you become the prey. If I was going to call far away from town in the mountains, I would be carrying a shotgun loaded with buckshot. I have called in kit foxes, grey foxes, birds, bobcats, and coyotes. It is very interesting and would be a great photo opportunity since I almost never shoot anything but coyotes. My hunting buddy is on a kick of decorating his house with various mounted animals and is having the bobcat mounted.
Is it just me or do Bobcats sneak up on like they do me. I have literally had several of them within 5 feet of me before I detected them. Makes you wonder what else you've called in and not known about!!
I had a couple of guys working for me several years back who decided to call from a Mountain Lion's Javalina kill at night with a spot light (in TX so it was legal). As the story goes our heros got a response after about 45 minutes of calling and got a shot at a good sized cat, only had one problem. The muzzle blast from our hero's .300 Win busted the filament on the spot light. As our heros sat in complete darkness they claim the cat circled them and let out some not so freindly cat vocalizations at close range. Apparently niether of our heros thought to bring a flash light and claim that it was a tense few minutes. The next morning we found no hair blood or any other indication of a hit.
While I can make no claims as to the validity of the information provided I tend to believe them as I once had a Bobcat into a call and upon missing him at the unbelievable range of about 25' he did exactly as described he stood and challenged me with a hiss and spit shortly before he went to the light.
I heard about a guy that was using a mouth call and backed up to a little gully wall out of the wind. After about 15 minutes of calling he quit to move to another spot. When he stood up and turned around, there was a bobcat sitting on top of the bank he had his back against, they were almost nose to nose. The hunter said he didn't know about the bobcat, but it scared the H*ll out of him. :D