Wilderness Survival Training

I've been putting off a course of this type for too long. Time I got my butt in gear while I still have a small vestige of youth left. ;)

I'm looking for info on reputable training programs in the area from GA to VA. Looking for a 1 week course, stressing all aspects of survival: Fire, Shelter, Food, Navigation etc.

All input is welcome.
Anything in the wild-wild west would be appreciated, as well!


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
I cannot think of a better person than Ron Hood. I have spoken with him and he is the real deal. As soon as I can afford to do such a course, he will be the one.
There's a fairly famous American Indian attached to the Prescott "alternative" college, that seems to be doing a lot of this work. I believe his first name is Cory or Cody and can find out more, if you're really interested.
Fairly sure Tom Brown used to do this type of thing. Evidently a lot of Bujinkan types used him. Dunno if he's still teaching...
Uhhh... would you believe most Girl Scout organizations? Someone has to find the Boy Scouts that are too stubborn to ask for directions. I used to get lost just for the hot chocolate and S'mores when they found me. ;)
My wife attended some classes by a guy up at U of Oregon in Eugene. Mel something... retired S&R. Old fart. Must be pretty good-- I was a Boy Scout's boy scout, and she's constantly teaching me new techniques.

(Like pitch stumps! I didn't know about these things until just recently!)

Will come back with more...

Blackwater is near Camden, NC...but not far from the VA line. IIRC, it's a shooting school unless they've added wilderness survival training since I last looked at their website.
