Wild Dog Video... I luv this =)

Is that an Aussie dingo? I have a bit of a hard time emotionally watching canis familiaris getting wasted, since I have pet dogs, but kudos to the hunter for making a very quick clean kill - that's the way it should always be done. I assume it's a dingo or otherwise a nuisance animal, and not someone's pet, right?
Wow, didn't move at all. It looked like it instantly was struck with rigormortis and just fell over. Weird, but very good shot.
As a bird hunter and lifelong dog owner...the video disturbs me a little...unless of course it's a neusance or danger.
I couldn't find an entrance wound in the front of the head/face area (though the camera angle could be to blame). Wonder if that went through the eye socket.

Slightly hard to watch. But a darn great shot.
Its illegal to shoot dingoes in Australia and they look quite different from that one,
wild dogs are a big problem in Oz, They are responsible for killing countless native (some threatened already) species and farmers are loosing stock in a very brutal fashion buy way of the wild dog

I dont know if you guys have any introduced species in the US but here we have a quite a few and they are making our natives endangered species and destroying our ecosystem

Knowing all this and seeing the damage first hand dogs like this cause I take my hat off to all people who are humanly destroying these animals.

btw Trip20, it was a high neck shot
For some reason I thought the exit wound was in the back of the head (in lieu of the back of the neck). Can't watch the video at the moment because I'm at work, but I'll check it out again when I get home.

Any idea of the distances involved with that shot?
Good shot. I figured it was a neck shot or a head shot because of the legs locking like that.

We have feral animals here in the States, as well as invasive exotics. Easiest to come up with would be wild boar and feral hogs just about everywhere, Spanish goats in California, axis deer in S. California, oryx in New Mexico and Texas, mouflon in Missouri. Some were introduced by people with good intentions (one of the most dangerous animals in the world), many are escapees from game farms or private collections, or a by-product of how people used to raise animals over the past 200 years (wild pigs used to be released then rounded up every fall).

Feral dogs are becoming problematic in some areas, though people don't like to think of Fido going "back to basics". Of course, there are feral cats, but again, the bunny huggers don't want you getting rid of those cute kitties. Other pets and domestic animals are around. Parakeets, goldfish, etc. A friend of mine years back used to hunt wild cattle, animals escaped and breeding in river bottoms years after ranching and public grazing had stopped in the area. He said there was nothing quite as exciting as sneaking up on them and HOPING they would stampede the OTHER way when you fired.
Dog Lover

I am a lifelong dog lover and hate the thought of having to shoot one. That said, I do recognize the threat posed by feral dogs as well as some of their wild bretheren. I have to say, that was an impressive shot even if it kinda hurt my feelings to watch.
People from neighboring urban areas sometimes dump unwanted dogs on us. Was quite a problem when we first moved to our farm. My wife and I both had to shoot a few. Rabies is a serious problem here in NC, and feral dogs are likely to spread it. I am a dog lover too, but you have to look at the bigger problem.

I do recognize the threat and thus do not condemn the action. It was an impressive shot. I have had to dispatch feral dogs and coyotes myself on occasion. Still hurts the heart a bit though.
Takes guts to shoot mans best freind. That being said i know all about feral dog problems. We had a group of coyotes inbreeed with a few german shepards and the result wasa mean, strong, agressive freal animal. it took about three years to kill them all. I was only about 5 or 6 at the time but even then i understood the reason for it. Over three years the pack of about 9 animals killed 136 sheep, 45 beef cattle, six hogs and neumerous house and barn cats.

Years ago, when I was stationed on Guam, feral dogs were a serious problem. Packs of them all over. They actually started a bounty on them. I remember stories of attacks on people and one child being killed in his back yard.
Yep, they are truly ruthless and i really dont see a similarity between the wild one and a pet, (apart from the appearance off-course) hence my joy at seeing this video

I think the shot was around 200m
ninemm, a mouflon is an exotic, an import. The Barbary sheep, IIRC. In SW Texas, they're feral. Our problem with the (bleep) is that they're territorial, and will run mule deer away from a water hole.

Was indeed a very humane kill and if that was 200 meters, the shot is more impressive than I already thought it was.