Wild Boar attack


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SEOUL (Reuters) - This wild piggy went to an upmarket hotel. This wild piggy went to a historic palace. And all the wild piggies were chased by South Korean police.

Police in the capital have been battling an invasion of wild boars that have come down from the mountains into densely populated areas in and around Seoul foraging for food before the onset of winter.

Friday, one turned up at an apartment complex in Kuri, east of Seoul, media reported. Police failed to catch it after a 90-minute chase.

Earlier this week, about 200 tourists were evacuated from Changkyong Palace in central Seoul after a wild boar was spotted on the grounds and hunters and police gave chase.

Last week, a wild boar was spotted near a Seoul luxury hotel. Police, hunters and dogs chased the animal to the banks of the Han River, where the beast drowned trying to swim to safety.

The Seoul city government said this week it planned to form a task force with police and the Korean Hunting Management Association to combat the invasion, which has brought sightings in apartment-block gardens, schools and underground parking lots.

"Wild boars entering the city are dangerous because there are so many people who could get hurt and there are so many obstacles to catching the animals," said Moon Tae-kuk, a hunting association official.

Wild boars can be aggressive when cornered. Those seen in Seoul have weighed up to 130 kg (287 pounds).

Probably not a danger to us here in the US, unless you live in the rural areas. But still possible. Can your CC weapon handle a defensive situation if a wild boar attacks you in the street? :eek:
LOL!!!! Anybody for Mu-shu pork?

Seriously, we occasionally walk a pipeline near our house that is surrounded by forest. My .40 should take care of it, but it is one reason we're thinking about a .45 for hubby.

But if we go out walking there, it's the .40, not the .380, that will come with us. And there are feral hogs ALL OVER TEXAS, including in those woods. We actually saw one on the side of the road.....biggest roadkill I had EVER seen! I'd hate to see the car that hit it. It better have been a cement truck or somebody had a whopping big body shop bill. :eek:

What a load of crap! Did that article say South Korea? I doubt wild boar would last long there since even dogs are considered fair game. Besides, last I heard, military service is mandatory for all men where they are all trained in tae kwon do. Just give the little piggy a flying side kick and serve it up with some kim chi! Yummy!:eek: :D :p
Hey Stephen426, just to be clear...dogs are not considered fair game in Korea, only a very small portion of the population eats dog, in fact I believe the laws have changed and outlawed the consumption of dog (I may be wrong on this one, my cousin told me this, it was to enhance the image of Koreans during the Olympics). The ones that do eat the typical stray dog off the street are the same types who do it here in America, the starving homeless. I would doubt that a starving homeless person would have much of a chance against a Wild Boar, even if he/she does know Tae Kwon Do...having a 4th degree Black in it, I cannot remember what techniques were developed for such an attack.
Now about the Wild Boar in Korea...delicious!! It was where I had my first taste of it and has made me into some kind of addict! They have restraunts there that have Boar pens, from which they get fresh Boar for the menu.
Hand to hand with Wild Boar?

Not on this old fatman's list of adventures.

Seriously, trying to use any weaponless martial art on a wild pig (or most anything else truly 'wild') is not recommended. However, Seoul is a major city - even in the suburbs firearms would not be the first choice. Not if I were choosing for my neighbors, anyway.

I think the old sport of pig spearing might be making a comeback. Yeah, it's dangerous too, but one does not kill or wound as many folks on the next block.

Nets could be used, too; but then one must unwrap the piggy. Hazard pay.

Spears or long knives. A spear for me, if you please. With a crossbar at the base of the blade to keep piggy at yonder end of spear.
Can your CC weapon handle a defensive situation if a wild boar attacks you in the street?
No, I carry a 9mm with hollow points. Shot placement would have to be nothing short of perfect. :eek:
When I was stationed in Berlin, Germany, those things were everywhere. They were not afraid of you. A few MP sedans were crashed due to those pigs.

There is a forest outside of Berlin called the Grunewald. We would do a bit of training out there and those critters would come wandering into our tents. We wanted to shoot them, but the Germans would go crazy. The only thing that make them wander off was a chainsaw.

2 soldiers were seriousy injured when pigs fell into their foxhole that was covered by a shelter half. Beat the crap outta those guys.

Germans called them "Grunnie Pigs". I hated the things, but I woulda liked to eat one:p
If you're walking through the woods you have nothing to worry about from wild pigs. Unless you corner one, you 'll never even know it's there, they run like a lightning bolt at the first sign of people. But if you accidentally corner one in say a small cave or draw in the land where it can't get away from you...look out! They will go over you or through you, one or the other :eek: Shoot fast or run FASTER are your two options...unless you can outrun your buddy whos with you, in which case you're good! :p
Top This said:
Hey Stephen426, just to be clear...dogs are not considered fair game in Korea, only a very small portion of the population eats dog, in fact I believe the laws have changed and outlawed the consumption of dog (I may be wrong on this one, my cousin told me this, it was to enhance the image of Koreans during the Olympics). The ones that do eat the typical stray dog off the street are the same types who do it here in America, the starving homeless. I would doubt that a starving homeless person would have much of a chance against a Wild Boar, even if he/she does know Tae Kwon Do...having a 4th degree Black in it, I cannot remember what techniques were developed for such an attack.

Dogs were removed off the menu during the Olympics because it was considered offensive to so many cultures. A quick search on Google indicates that it is still going on. Supposedly only 10% of the population of South Korea eats dogs. In North Korea, I guess you get your protein however you can. I am Chinese and I know Chinese eat dog as well. My comment was meant in jest rather than racism. I apologize to anyone I have offended in any way shape or form.

As for going hand to hand with a wild boar, my comment was also made in jest. I am amazed at the tae kwon do skill of some of the exhibitions I have seen and I could imagine some of those strikes injuring a wild boar. I guess in a last ditch effort, giving Miss Piggy an upchuggie in the throat or ribs. At least she will have to earn her dinner!:eek: :D :p
With Hogs stand your ground and empty your

Mag into um. Do not turn your back, do not run, face um and move at the last second, believe me I am fully learned and taught by one of the best in the business.

Yes, a spear is good, so is a strong pole for a waking stick, it will save you believe me. Presence of mind is the key, no panic. Training and practice shooting is the key here. Fear is what you have to be afraid of, do not fear the animal respect it and take proper precautions. Proper mind set is the key.

I was talking to Ashley while on the hunt, he said just start shooting and look for a place to move out of the line of attack, carry a second gun, (he does and so did I) it is a 380 and quickly recoverd for use in case of need...If you are seriously thinking of taking these guys on, have a 44 mag or bigger. I still feel confident in my 9mm but, if I want to go get one and bring it home for pictures I feel the rifle is the way to go 45-70 or something similar.

I am going to get a 358 Win in a lever of some sort soon. I am going to go hunting in the northern Ca area during the wet months. I figure I will get a couple soon... I will keep you posted.


No offense taken, but there are many people out there who think that Koreans run around the streets of Seoul looking for wandering dogs to take home for dinner, my comments were only to advise otherwise. As far as some of those TKD techniques looking formidable, yes they can be, however the trick is getting close enough to whack em...that means you need to be close enough for them to whack you too...yeah, ouch. On a side note, there have been stories of famous martial artists killing wild animals with their bare hands, Gogen Yamaguchi was thought to have killed a Tiger once, Masutatsu Oyama has been rumored to have killed a few bears with various hand strikes...and it has been well documented that he has killed scores of Bulls with his bare hands and feet. I prefer to get my rush from Space Mountain or the Matterhorn personally.
The Bright Side

I've been told by a hog hunter that the good thing about them charging you when you have a gun is they keep getting to be a better and better target.
I usually carry a .40 around during the winter months, and my extra mag is FMJ, so perhaps there is a fair chance to taking down an attacking wild boar. I did not know that in so many cities as modern as Seoul and Berlin that wild animals run around like this. Crazy world we live in.

Yet another reason to carry a weapon.
dayum...sounds like someone is missing out on some good smoked meat there :D I wish we had some wild boars invading around here....get my wifes Uncle to BBQ em. he has a knack for cooking wild game....