Wild Animal Threat List?


New member
Is there any good sites that show what wild animals are a threat in which area?

Locally ( Florida ) I simply carry my .357 snub, as we have no big bears, etc. However, the misses and I are contemplating going on a mix of cross country RV'ing and camping/hiking at various locations along the way.
I don't know of any web sites.

Depends on where you're going as to what would be of concern. If not black or grizzly country, then your short 357 should be able to handle any of the rabid small critters up to coyote size that would be of any concern. snakes are out in most of the country, birdshot will take care of them within about 10 feet (5 feet is better).

Mt Lions may be of concern in some places, but your gun should handle them at close range also.

Very few people have any trouble with wildlife, other than rabid skunks etc. I've spent a lot of time out in the hills and had little trouble. Snakes being the exception other than mice and chipmunks getting into food and camp gear. A .22 rifle with CB loads work well for those, and a few mousetraps in the camp gear.
where are you most likely going to be staying, visiting, or passing through??? their are only a few species of mammals in the lower 48 states that pose a threat to people. wild boar, javelina/peccari, black bear, grizzly, and mountain lion. tell me where you will be headed and I'll tell you whats there. either post here or email me at panzer426@aol.com
anybody want to test my knowledge???
k_dawg, just buy some of the animal field guides and they will have the range/distribution of all the animals listed in the guides, most commonly shown in distribution maps. The basic Peterson Field Guides are good for North America. You can get better resolution by getting field guides for the particular state(s) in which you will be traveling.

panzer426 offered to let folks test his knowledge. I had a good laugh about the challenge. Given that the challenge isn't in person, we would have no way to know if we were actually testing his knowledge or his ability to use sources like field guides.

I found it interesting, k_dawg, that you asked about animal threats and panzer426 responded by saying "mammals." A lot of folks will interchange the terms "mammals" and "animals." I have even caught park rangers describing the local fauna as containing "a variety of animals and birds" and then go on to list mammals and birds.

It was suggested that there are only a few dangerous mammals in the lower 48 (wild boar, javelina/peccari, black bear, grizzly, and mountain lion) that pose a threat to people. This isn't exactly right and there was no definition of what "threat" actually meant. While the listed taxa can pose a threat to people, many others can as well. Bucks in rut have been known to attack and kill humans. Bighorn rams have attacked people when young bighorn were present. Other potentially dangerous mammals include wolves, elk, moose, and bison. Lessor threats come from smaller animals such as various small carnivores. While the smaller animals might not be able to do much harm to you or kill you, you may still die from the attack if they are carriers of rabies. Marine mammals such as walrus and seal can be quite aggressive if in rut, protecting young, or simply feel threatened. A skunk may not do physical harm to you, but the spray may make you wish you were dead if you get sprayed.

Aside from mammals, poisonous reptiles can be dangerous as well. Also, you can't forget alligators (mostly in the south) and crocodiles (southern tip of Florida). A variety of birds can be quite agressive if you approach the area in which their nests are located. There have been incidents of wildlife biologists gathering data for a nest/egg census who have been knocked out of the tree they were climbing (to get to the nest) by the parent hawks. Getting hit by a large hawk traveling anywhere from 50-100 mph can ruin your day.

More often than not, when people get hurt by animals, it is because the humans screwed up in some manner. Screw ups can range from something as simple as poor situational awareness out in the wild to doing intentionally stupid acts like trying to pet a bison or fight a bear over a salmon hooked on your line, but now also in the bear's mouth. It is hard to blame the animals for doing what they do naturally in their 'hood.' As the interloper, it really is the human's job to be aware, prepared, and smart about dealing with animals. Having a knowledge about animal behavior before encountering a potentially dangerous animal will go a long way toward having no encounters or uneventful encounters.
Yes, and if you add feral animals to the list, then things like chimps and tigers are potential problems, but probably more likely are things like packs of dogs. One or two dogs may not be a bad problem, but a pack can tear you apart.
Mosquitoes with West Nile Virus and ticks with either Lyme disease or Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever are two of the animals most likely to attack.

If you want to talk about lethal, then that would be the white-tailed deer jumping out front of your automobile at 65 mph.

I think a .357 Magnum revolver would be a practical solution for any need of firearms protection while traveling.
I don't know about that Artsmom.

I get about 500 chigger bites for every 2 ticks who infiltrate under the barbed wire or every single mosquito that gets past the AAA.

DEET works on all 3 and seems to keep the tigers away as well. :D
k-dawg I recently asked a related question on the general handgun forum, i.e. what is the best handgun for a hiker in Oregon who wants to be prepared for an unscheduled meeting with a cougar or bear.

Cougar sightings and attacks have increased from the Left Coast all the way east to ......... Iowa??? Although the probability of encountering a puma is remote it's not the Las Vegas Line I'm looking for here. Survival is the name of THIS game, not the odds versus the dealer at a Black Jack table, and should I encounter a predator I'm in a zero-sum game and I want the predator to get the "Zero", not me.

My initial opinion based on the responses from the other forum is that the Glock20 10mm is the best choice for a hiker's concealed big game handgun.

Some links I know of that might be helpful to you are


Please let me know if you find any other related links!

"Democracy must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner."
-- James Bovard
1994 Source: Lost Rights. The Destruction of American Liberty (St. Martin's Press: New York, 1994), p. 333
Double Naught Spy,

I think you are right on there; in many areas of the country feral dogs are probably one of the greater threats.

In addition to what Artsmom said; we could add poisonous spiders too.

.... and then there are the killer bees :eek:
Anyone know of any documented stories of humans being attacked by feral dogs? That's more scary to me than any others because because of the pack mentality/aggressiveness, and because they are known to be out and about where I hunt. Oh yeah, I hear wolverines aren't overly friendly, up north. And yes, I agree that the glock 20 is an excellent defense gun against this type of thing; that's what I have. Either that or a revolver in .454 casull/.45 colt. .45 colt for lower 48, and .454 for canad/alaska. But the glock holds more rounds - could be useful if you were attacked by a pack of say, 8 feral dogs.
The feral dog problem goes way back and you should be able to find lots of documentation. I know of one case nearby where a woman walking her pet was approached by a pack of dogs. They ate the pet right off the leash. Fortunately they didn't attack her .The cops then destroyed the pack.One of those cops told me that there were many letters to the editor saying the cops were mean and nasty for destroying the pack.BTW, pets travelling with feral dogs are just as bad as the ferals.
One critter that I am surprised has yet to be mentioned is the notorious two legged mammal, that walks erect. Here in rural PA and over the border in upstate NY there are dangerous situations being created by BGs cooking meth and growing pot. They have no problems using booby traps or violence to protect their profits. They seek out many of the same areas that are great for hunting and hiking. Even when you're on public land you cannot be sure that you won't run in to them. I'm sure that there are similar situations in other parts of the country. Just thought that one should be aware that these problems could come up and to be prepared for this type of encounter.
I'll second the DEET, or other kinds of tick repellant. They make little beeper things for dogs that make really high pitched beeps that will keep the ticks away, but humans can't hear it. Hanging a couple of those on your pant legs woul'dnt be a bad idea either. Trust me, Lyme Disease is NOT fun. Especially when it goes un-diagnosed for 6 months. (Don't rely on the "Bulls-eye" rash either)
.357 Mag will do ANYTHING you need to in 90% of situations(2 legged ones to). Now, if your worried about a bear coming in the middle of the night when your in Yellowstone.. well, thats what a 12 gauge in the RV is for. :D
MassHunter, got to remember Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever too. Can't rely on 100% rash on palms/soles so be aware.

On the subject of wild dogs, I think that a simple .38 might probably be enough as one or two shots would scare them off. Around here we have more coyotes, and it is an eerie feeling to be stalked by them so I generally take a long gun with me in the woods unless I'm on the tractor.
There is an article from the LA Times noting the emerging threat of dog packs nationwide: http://www.latimes.com/features/out...tory?coll=la-home-outdoors&ctrack=3&cset=true

A quote from the article:

"There is no central clearinghouse to track assaults by dog packs on either humans or wildlife, so the scope of the problem is not known. But because of the unpredictable nature of the attacks, some outdoor workers now fear dogs even more than classic predators such as cougars."
The only animals I worry about are yellowjackets. They aint no fun to get stung by. You'd have to be a good shot to shoot them though.