Wild Animal Protection

Big Yac

New member
I live in SE Ohio and the other night 48 exotic animals got loose and are running loose through the area, lions, bears, leopards, etc. Late at night you see something big (animal) run through your yard and moments later a window breaks. What do you do? A 9mm, 38 or 40 will just upset the animal at best. I'm thinking a magnum load of 00 buck or a rifle in the .458 range but I know this would be the absolute last choice, taking on such a creature.
I have been watching some of this on the news and it is a kind of scary deal. Yes, chances are probably pretty low of having any problems, but just the same. Anyway, I would simply utilize the most effective caliber I had that is unless you are just looking for a reason to buy another gun. :D As you said I would think that a shotgun would be my first choice.
Finally all those darn bear threads are going to pay off!

Sooooooooooo.... all you guys that gave me a hard time about my 375 H&H. Where are you now?? LOL!

My wife and I were talking about this news story this morning and the first words out of her mouth were:

"I'm sure you have more than one rifle for a situation like that. Don't you?"

I had to admit I did.

P.S. any North American big game rifle is going to be fine. A shot gun with slugs works as well.
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For SE Ohioan, you already have the 12ga for deer,

just feed it Brenneke slugs as that is what they are made for, heavy muscled animals with ATTITUDE.

Be interesting if local LEO involved would chime in on what was used.

Well used A5 with slug barrel and magazine full of Brennekes is very comforting.
Glock 20 would probably be the best bet IMO for an anti-tiger/lion hand gun. The only worry is they did not talk about what type/s of bears this guy has. If these are BIG AND FAT pre-winter Grizzleys I do not think I would trust any handgun against one short of something real exotic like a .500 S&W.
Well, seein' as how 9mm, .45, a .30 carbine, and a 12 ga. (borrowed) is what I got, I guess I'd be unloading with those.

A bear would be my biggest worry as far as penetration/damage, just about everything else is thin skinned enough that I think what I have would do the trick.

Not a hunter, so I am making an educated guess.

Yikes, who expects to be watching football one minute and tossed into an African big game hunt the next? You think you would get to keep the mount if you took out a lion? Might make for a cool story:D
12 ga with some nice fat slugs is what I would use. Only in self defense though. As I'm sure that there are at least a few yahoo's running around trying to hunt these animals... to be honest I wouldn't even be killing these animals unless I absolutely needed to in order to save lives. Now I'm not a animal rights freak I just think that there are humane ways of taking care of the problem instead of hunting them all down and killing them on sight. Just my opinion cause the animals have probably already been mistreated through their lives if it were me id try to take them down safely with tranq's and if that didn't work then obviously kill them.
If I lived around there Id be sitting in a tree somewhere hunting. How often do you get to see things like that possibly walk by. I guess id take my 30-06 and make head shots on the bears and heart/lung shots if given the shot. Almost any gun to the head would be fine.
Agreed, pretty rare, but then it depends on where you live.

I policed Anchorage AK, we constantly got calls of bear and moose hanging around school bus stops.

We didn't carry "African Rifles" we carried shotguns and pistol/revolvers. Some carried slugs which would work I guess but I don't like shotguns in police work (thats just my opinion).

I carried a 357 with LSWC bullets. I didn't shoot any bear but I've shot several moose. The 357 worked for me. When these animals are a hazard they are normal close. It's pretty easy to hit the base of the neck with a revolver.
Lions, tiger and bears - oh, my - put on ruby slippers?

Shotgun and slugs, back up 357 SW 19. Get ready for action!

Actually, it happened here in San Antonio a few years ago. A flood knocked down the fence of a preserve and the lion got out and ate the ostrich.

It then went for a walk down the highway before getting tranked.

The distance was such that it could have walked to us but that would have been past lots of homes. Probably not a good idea in TX. I know that long arms are common around me.
If I lived around there Id be sitting in a tree somewhere hunting.

Not sure I would considering some of the animals were cats. These guys could probably sneak up and join me in the tree before I had a chance to unload. Yikes! :eek:
Id be sitting in a tree somewhere hunting

Saw a truck on the news had hounds in the back :) he is gonna get him some cat tonight :) lol

I would get my 6 dogs out and go hunting, they would tree a cat fast then boom boom I got a new rug for the den. How often will an event like this happen in your lifetime? I heard tho that 35 or so were killed right off so that leaves about 10 or so left.
rifle preferably, I think this for one reason. Stay in the house and you have a wall they have to penetrate. I dont know about you, but trying to take down a bear or lion (in pistol range), who can close the distance quickly and might not like the first shot. This is not on my list of things to do!
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My wife saw this in the news

And when she found out my biggest round was comming from an old springfiled 30-06 that I inherited she started comming around to my thinking that I need a new rifle for bigger game.:D Now nobody tell her that the 180 gr handloads I have would handle just about everyone of those animals provided I got the drop on it.
Its Jumanji!

Fun to joke about, but not really funny. A big cat can move so quickly, and so quietly, and is so strong, it almost warrants heading to your panic room until its over.

Or, you could put some meat out on the front porch, and sit back a little ways with your Slugster. Remember to take the dowel out so you can load up 5 rounds instead of 3. I like Federal Copper Solids, 1.25 oz at about 1900 fps. Good excuse to wear your bandoliers too, sort of a practice round for when the zombies come...