Wil it stand the test of time?

ky hunter

New member
Will the 17 win super rim fire mag come and go? It hard to find rim fire 22lr to buy now. So ask me to buy a new 17 wsmr. So I can stand in line for ammo Thanks but on Thanks.:eek:
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If they don't get some decent guns chambered, it won't. It's a neat round. I'd like to have one, especially an AR type but if all they have is the Savage B-mag... no thank you.
Could be. I'd guess the reason behind the 17WSM is to capitalize on the 17 rimfire craze. God knows, if people are buying the HM2 they'll buy anything 17 caliber.

The high-powered rimfire has a certain niche roll, in NY at least and maybe other places. We can not carry a center-fire rifle in the field during deer season in places that either do not allow center-fire rifles for deer or we don't have a deer license or at night. That means 17HMR for coyote, which is functional but barely and sometimes not depending on the shot angle and distance. The 17WSM takes up most of that slack. A true, center-fire equal, 22rimfire would be perfect.
It seemed to have had a lot of hype before it came out, but since it's been released it's had very little publicity. They needed to capitalise on the initial interest, there failing to do so will probably be the death of the cartridge.

That and the only gun it's chambered in is the Savage Bmag, which seems to be a very average gun. Had it come out in a CZ I think it would've been a big competitor against 17hmr. But since it failed there too, and 17hmr has a very very strong hold in the shooting world, I don't think it'll last.

The release of the 17 Hornady Hornet probably upset things a lot too. As 22 Hornet based cartridges still have had a decent group of followers, and 17hmr being very popular, there really didn't need to be anything in between.

Too give another perspective on the second point, in New Zealand I have seen no sign at all of 17wsm, but I have seen 17HH ammo for sales, as well as in both NZ and British forums and groups of shooters, I've heard the 17HH mentioned a few times, but none whatsoever of 17wsm. I think it'll go the same place as 223wssm and 25wssm.
It never really came, and it has already gone. Savage and Winchester flubbed the launch. Rifle were available, but awful. The little bit of ammo that was available got soaked up pretty quickly and no new ammo is forthcoming. So, until Savage fixes the rifle and Winchester remembers how to make ammo, it is already dead.
I would say no but I also said the 17HMR would not last and now my wife owns one. I wish she would stick to my calibers but I can not force her to like what I like :rolleyes:

She likes 410s, 17HMR and 380s.
The .17 WSM's launch was about like announcing a giveaway of free canoes to anyone that wanted one ...but you could only use it at the sewage treatment plant (the Savage B-Mag). And, as it turned out, there were only two canoes, anyway....

While we're on the subject, I must say....
It's good to see that some of you Savage lovers have finally come around to see that rifle for what it is. I was beginning to think you were all crazy - so consumed by your love for all things Savage, that you'd never see the light. ;)
I love my wife's family but one of them annoys the hell out of me, know what I mean. ;)

I don't have to name the exception every time I talk about the family. :D
It is the lack of good guns that will kill it, yes.

I can't imagine why they would introduce that round in such a crappy gun. Frankly, I can't imagine why they make that crappy gun in the first place.

My uncle has fired a few rounds from a 17WSM. Without more experimenting we can't say for sure, it could be the crappy scope but I doubt it... anyway, it shoots 5" vertical groups at 175 yards. He's a good shooter too, shoots 1" at 200 with my reloads in his .22-250.