Wife wants to move, need info


New member
Well, my wife wants to move (we've been discussing it for a while) and she's finally made some indication of where she'd like to move that I can agree with. So I'd like any of you guys in Colorado to fill me in on the scoop there.

It would have to be within a couple hours drivin gdistance of Denver, because that's where her job would let her transfer to.

what I'm looking for is information on gun ownership, etc. And what the climate is regarding CCW and guns in general. What I'm trying to avoid is moving to someplace where in a year or two they are going to enact legislation like Kalifornias SB23 and the other 10 bills they're trying to push thru.

Thanks in advance.
You've come to the right place...My wife is a realtor in Evergreen, unincorporated Jefferson County. She can mail you a relocation package with anything you'd like to know. We're in the foothills WSW of Denver about 7500 to 8500 ft, commute to Denver is 20-40 minutes depending on where and when. Jeffco does issue CCW permits.The local range is a 20-30 minute drive west on I70. The membership is open, we have 8 bays, 2 enclosed shooting sheds with 100 yard distance. We have monthly IPSC, 3gun, trap,etc, or you can just shoot cans if you want. The Evergreen schools are great,and because we use the county government, the taxes are low. The air is clean and the climate is great. Email me with your mailing address if you'd like more information.
I just moved to Loveland, about 45 mi north of Denver in Larimer County. Really nice up here, but unfortunately, I'm going to have to move again. Sucks. Just got my CCW. Cost is $138 but the Sheriff is very good about issuing them. Lots of ranges up here. The drive to Denver can be a b***h depending on where you work. Since I work just north of the Denver Tech Center (DTC), it takes me about an hour and 15 minutes on an average day. Avoid the I-25 as much as possible. It gets really bad. Unfortunately for a southern location, the I-25 traffic seems to be even worse going south to Castlerock, etc, than it is heading north. Not to knock Evergreen, as I here it is very nice.

Personal weapons are what raised mankind out of the mud, and the rifle is the queen of personal weapons. The possession of a good rifle, as well as the skill to use it well, truly makes a man the monarch of all he surveys.
-- Jeff Cooper, The Art of the Rifle
Keep talking motorep. I'm looking for a place to hide when I retire. To he** w/KA.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
forget about colo. to hide when you retire. everybody and their cousin lives here. i used to live in a town of 6500. now 6yrs later it is close to 18000! anywhere in colo that is close to denver is big buck's. but then again depending on where you live now may not mean that much. we have a gun friendly gov. and for the most part a legislature as well. stay out of denver/arapahoe county as the mayor's and police cheif's are very anti gun. jeffco is nice as well as broomfield. parts of adams cty are nice but expect that to change as the land around the airport get's developed. the biggest question is how far and how long do you want your commute to be in the morn.i live in no.colo. and i can make it to the gun show's in less than 45min. about what it takes to go form one side of denver to the other. good luck in your relocation
I'm considering a move to Wyoming. No state income tax and low property taxes.

It's a gun-friendly state, but good jobs are hard to find there. :(
Help me out here folks. I had the distinct impression that Denver itself has terrible firearms restrictions. I can believe the rest of the state is more logical, but isn't Denver a problem? If you have a CCW from outside Denver, what do you do when you go 'into town'?
make sure you don't have to use it. if we go into dumver i am packing no if's ands or but's. i do however carry a small non obtrusive gun. my take on it is well gee officer the bad guy had a gun. if something were ever to happen in dumver and i wasn't carrying i would file (i hate to say it) the biggest damn lawsuit against dver, the mayor hci and any other anti gun org i could. that is if i was still breathing. i would then use the state not the federal constitution's take on the right to bear arm's.
Yeah, I read that section of the state constitution. Seems to spell it out fairly plainly (with the exception of CCW)

Wyoming would be great, except *she's* got to work (seniority and bennies)... and the only places her company has offices are: LA, Seattle, Denver, Chicago, Indianapolis, and D.C.

The only two left in the running are Seattle and Denver ... I've lived in Chicago, and it's a nice place to be from but don't want to move back. LA, well currently we're in San Diego, and it's getting way to crowded - not to mention the bunch of socialists in Sacramento, and no offence to any Hoosiers here, but you all just drive weird. And D.C., well, no.

But it is good to hear that Colorado in general is ok. Thanks for the input.
As far as Seattle goes, the City of Seattle is a bastion of liberalism (check out Jim McDermott’s voting record). Washington State soundly trounced Initiative 676 (gun locks, mandatory training, release of medical records) in 1997. That’s not to say it couldn’t change. CCW is fairly liberal (in a good sense), WA is a “shall issue” state and also has state preemption so you can still carry your gun into Seattle. Original CPL costs $36 and is good for 5 years. Renewals are $32.

I found an interesting site on CBS. Although it was put together by HCI (gag), it gives the best state by state comparison that I’ve seen.

Edit - Couldn't get the link to work right...

If you’re interested in the whole CBS News view of Gun control, their link is here. It contains the comparison link.

Edit - couldn't make the second link to work, so look for the Guns in America at the bottom

Aye an' a bit of Mackeral settler rack and ruin Ran it doon by the haim, 'ma place. Well I slapped me and I slapped it doon in the side and I cried, cried, cried.

The fear a fallen down taken never back the raize and then Craig Marion, get out wi' ye Claymore out mi pocket a' ran doon, doon the middin stain picking the fiery horde that was fallen around ma feet.

Never he cried, never shall it ye get me alive ye rotten hound of the burnie crew. Well I snatched fer the blade. O my Claymore cut and thrust and I fell doon before him round his feet.

Aye! A roar he cried frae the bottom of his heart that I would nay fall but as dead, dead as 'a can be by his feet; de ya ken?...and the wind cried back.

Thank you.

[This message has been edited by geneb (edited August 16, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by geneb (edited August 16, 1999).]

You might want to avoid Boulder County, trust me. Other than it's politicians (ie, Udall in congress, Epp--the Sheriff--no CCW) and the overcrowding from other kalifornian exiles, it's a nice place to live.

Lucas- Epp regularly issues CCWs, don't know where that info came from, he also signs off on all the class 3 stuff. As far as CCW in Denver, state law specifies that all CCWs issued in Colorado are valid in all jurisdictions. I know there's been a lot of hype otherwise, I have a letter from the last Denver Chief, Dave Michaud, to that effect, and am told by DPD officers that they have to honor all CCW's from Colorado.