wife shooting way low w/p3at


New member
I got myself a kel tek p3at for christmas and took the wife out and she is hitting the GROUND in front of the target at 10 yds:eek: what is she doing wrong? the gun is accurate for me, and she shoots good with rifles, it is just the pistol that she can't do.
Sounds like she's anticipating the shot/recoil and jerking the trigger. Try some dry firing and dummy round exercises.
She's anticipating the muzzle flip and jerking the gun down just before she pulls the trigger. My wife did the same thing with the Kimber Ultra Carry .45 she now carries. The solution was dummy rounds so she could see what she was doing and then concentration till she broke herself. She's okay now.
Range Demo

A good demo I use on the range to show people how bad they are anticipating is the following.

Clear the weapon and verify x2 people.
Have the shooter aim in on a target.
I stand beside them and have a hand on their back.
With the other hand I put it in front of the muzzle and give it a medium tap to give the shooter a feel of a recoil.
I do this 4-6 times in a row and then all of a sudden I "miss the barrel" and my hand goes low.
Every shooter will anticipate the hand coming in contact with the muzzle, ie recoil, and will put some "weight into the gun" anticipating the strike.
This has caused some shooters to lean in so much that they have to take a step forward to quit from falling.
I do this to our SWAT guys every couple of months to emphasize the importance of recoil management/anti-anticipation.

Hope this helps.
sight pic

I have the same gun and have shot 500+ rnds threw it. I found it early on that the triangle that the front sight is suposed to make when lined up properly is hard to see. I took orange florescent paint and marked the front and bace of the rear sight. it worked I brought my impact area up 15 plus in at 15 yds. also look at how high she is holding the gun. yes the shot antisipation is a majior part. hope this helps.