Wife got passed her CCC ......

SAS Phantom

New member
Well my wife Debbie, passed here CCC on Saturday. She got a 100 on the written and passed the shooting portion. She used my Bersa .380. But now we need to fine a new pistol for “her”. She also shot my G22 and full size 1911 in the past. But would rather have something on the lines of the Bersa and/G22 for felt recoil. along with a holster.

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Good for her!

Pax' (Kathy Jackson's) website, The Cornered Cat, has a lot of good information on choosing pistols for smaller hands and making sure they fit. She should take a look at that information (and much else on that site! :)), and then head to the LGS, tell them what she likes and dislikes, and, if possible, rent some pistols and try them out.

And there's not a thing wrong with the Bersa, if that's what she ends up liking best.

Oh, and -- don't skimp on the holster, either. The Cornered Cat also has a lot of info on carry options for women...
Congrats to your Misses

Should be a requirement that all women learn to use and carry a pistol/revolver at all times.

I'm constantly on my wife and daughter when they leave theirs home or in the vehicle.
Should be a requirement that all women learn to use and carry a pistol/revolver at all times.

Wife has hers on now, daughter is getting her permit soon. Working nites as they do going to a dark parking lot is kinda unnerving to them. Some gals have had bad exp in them parking garages at teh hospital.

Double see many creepy guys would love to take a gal and do bad things to her, a gun does give her protection when I am not at her side. Got kids? or a wife? dont need to be a legal req. Heck I wish my 11 year old son could carry. He is a boy scout and knows safe gun handleing.
My wife uses a Bersa Thunder with a Crimson Trace laser. With the help of the laser she can put all 7 rounds inside a 9" pie plate.
Congratulations to your wife. Hopefully you live in area where she'll get to try a few before making a decision. If my wife were looking for a carry gun and she wanted something on the small size, I suggest trying a Beretta Nano and a Ruger LC9. However, there's lots of choices.