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Staff In Memoriam
Okay I am gonna slide out on a limb here! Ya'll by now done figger'd out I am just a redneck country boy... at least I hope so...
So please inform this simple minded hick one thing...
Why do we need millions of laws when just 10 simple rules would suffice?
It is because as soon as we have a Gooberment, 10 laws are nowhere near enough. They (US Gooberment) have been writing laws and new ones for about 230 years so far and they aren't even close to quiting or being done. :barf:
who likes all ten

the issue always gets back to who likes what when it comes to laws. Some of us might not agree the basic ten are what we want. Maybe a couple of those are not necessary IMHO. I find some of your implied 10 (the commandments) are somewhat superstitious and uncalled for. Any other list of ten would be a compromise with some not liking them either.
The 10 commandments where they deal with God would be rather difficult to enforce. What are you going to do? Jail the people who dont go to church on sunday?

I agree with you sentiment, but the application of those specific 10 laws is rather sensical when you are speaking on a societal (sp?) level.
I don't go to Church and don't believe the way some people do.

I can and do follow with the 10 laws! I do follow them!!!

The basic laws of humanity!:eek:

1) "Thou shalt have no other gods before me." There is only one !
2) "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image," There is only one !
3) "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain;" No Problems here sence I really don't know the name of the
4) "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy." Every Day Is holy!
5) "Honor thy father and thy mother:" Done!
6) "Thou shalt not kill." Only done in selfe Defence so fare!
7) "Thou shalt not commit adultery" Never done!
8) "Thou shalt not steal." I took a candy bar once!
9) "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor." Never been done!

10) "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house,.....nor anything that is thy neighbor has! Working on this one!
Religious threads don't fly on TFL.

BTW, your number six is more correctly translated from the original Hebrew as "Thou shalt do no murder."
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