

New member
We shouldn't have to have this category. If everything was strait, then we wouldn't, right? If all liberals would jump off of a cliff, then we could get on to talking about other more important things. Until then....

"Those that give up essential liberties for a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
Yeah, in theory. But unfortunately in reality those that want power are numerous and never rest. Even worse are the idiots that think they are enforcing gun control for our own "good." Perhaps it was C.S. Lewis that stated these are ultimately the worst kind of tyrants because they engage in tyranny with the approval of their consciences.
I heard that politicians don't want to listen to their conciousnesses because who wants to take advice from a total stranger?

"Those that give up essential liberties for a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
Do you really thing the 'Conservatives' are any better? An awful lot of this silly 'zero tolerance' crap is the result of conservative posturing. One of my favorite Virginians, Thomas Jefferson, said that 'the price of liberty is eternal vigilance'. Bluntly, ya gotta watch 'em all. Those who can't bear scrutiny are the ones you've got to watch the closest.