Why worry?


The events of this week will make the War on Guns the number one priority of our so-called society (again). Why worry, look at the results of our other recent wars:
War on Drugs-More plentiful and socially accepted.
War on Saddam-Getting stronger every day and still has his nukes.
I did not read her book-"It takes a village" but does it outline how America will raise illiterate, drug addicted, godless children who will then at age 18 be shipped overseas to die in some ****hole like Kosovo or Somalia?
I agree with the spirit of your post and appreciate the sardonicism.

However, I'd like to point out that drugs though readily and easily available are illegal. Firearms are not. I like being law-abiding and do not appreciate the constant malum prohibitum legislations that constantly create new crimes and criminals in order to prevent crimes that haven't yet occurred.
There is a good chance that within a year I will be a felon merely because the Calif legislature will enact certain new gun laws. There will be a grace period for compliance and then overnight instant felony. So I will have to make a choice to comply and turn in or prove that I destroyed certain guns; hide them and never use them again or risk using them occasionally and perhaps getting caught.

That ain't right

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
A while back, I recall reading somewhere a comment by an anti-gun activist that the debacle at Waco set back gun control in the U.S. by at least a couple of decades. In other words, the inability of the government to effecively carry out what anti-gun laws there already are should not be underestimated.

Nevertheless, the cultural and political divide in the U.S. continues between pro and anti-gun elements, and the conflict will not be attractive. It is entirely possible for hastily written, poorly conceived, and ultimately unworkable anti-gun laws to be enacted at the city, state and federal levels. Unfortunately, their sole effect would be to harass, intimidate and punish law-abiding citizens who would never misuse a firearm.

We just cannot let that scenario occur.
DC. You can always move to Arizona. We're still gun friendly here, and it's close by..
Paul B.


LOL, I scare the NY side of my family, and they are real Guidos :).

I am making a list of desirable states guys, and good fishing is a requirement
Alaska needs you! We have too many fish. It's too bad more folks don't exercise their pedal franchise and get out of states that clearly don't want them. The main reason I left Illinois right after college was that I found its political climate disgusting. And the hunting and fishing weren't the best either.

Vote with your feet!

"The only good bureaucrat is one with pistol at his head. Put it in his hand and it's goodbye to the Bill of Rights." H.L. Mencken
DC, I won't be so bold as Rob ( ;) ), but I'll second the AZ suggestion. Although our *#$^%(#T governor just vetoed our preemption and anti gun lawsuit legislation, it is still a pretty pro-self defense state.

And, believe it or not, we have lots of fishing. I understand we actually have more boats per capita than any other state! I have no idea how many fish we have per capita. ;)

And, I agree with you regarding the illegality of guns. I honestly fear we are all witnessing the death of the 2nd Amendment. Might take a decade, but this train is gaining speed. And, it could also be quite dangerous for the rest of the Constitution following the 2nd's demise.

People are definitely choosing up sides in this battle.

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited April 26, 1999).]
DC, Welcome to Arkansas. plenty of good gun people, good huntin', and a whole lot of good fishin'...... :)

fiat justitia
What would the Anti's use against us in a civil war (should it come to that)? Stones? Bows and arrows? Certainly not guns (tongue in cheek), that would be hypocritical! :D


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."

John/az2: The antis won't come against us. They will rely on having LEOs enforce whatever laws the antis can get passed. As with BATF, there are too many LEOs who do not think about the laws they are employed to enforce.

Some LEOs, of course, do indeed think for themselves, are honorable men and women, and would resign before becoming an anti-gun Gestapo. To the others, the rationality of any particular law does not matter. It's a job and a paycheck, with whatever psychological attraction is held by having the badge and the gun.

"May you live in interesting times!" (Old Chinese curse.)
Grumble.... Grrr.... grumble....grumble.... Law Enforcement Alliance of America.... grumble...grrrrrrr.....National Reciprocity......grrr...LEOs & CCWs...grumble....gruble.. Grrr.... Armed Citizens.......grumble..grrrr.

(edited so as not to offend my good pal Art) ;)

Im leaving KA at the end of this semester if the new anti-gun legislation passes so I need to know how the job market is in AZ for those who need to work while going to college. Also whats the rent like in a nice neighborhood on the outskirts of one of the bigger cities?

I guess that's already happening, eh?


E-mail me with your snail-mail address and I will send you a newspaper want-ads, and a few other publications regarding employment and housing.


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."


[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited April 26, 1999).]
I don't believe there are enough LEO's that would be willing to "fire on" U.S. citizens to affect confiscation and the resistance it would bring. However if a total firearms ban where to be put in place I don't think our government would hesitate to us United Nation "peace keeping forces" against us.

[This message has been edited by Gunslinger (edited April 27, 1999).]

"I am making a list of desirable states guys, and good fishing is a requirement"

Indiana is gun friendly and the fishing is good, we have Lake Michigan up north and lots of inland lakes and streams. Oh did I mention we have RKBA in our state constitution? LOL

John - NRA - Lifer

<img src=http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Flats/6328/sw4516-2.gif>