Why Worry about White House Security Checks Now?????


New member
The latest handwringing from Big Media I recently heard pertains to the delay the Dubya Administration experienced in beginning FBI background check. These check are extensive and take quite a while. Because of the Gore delay of 30+ days, key background checks will not be complete until summer.

If memory serves me correctly Clinton upon entering the WH simply stopped FBI background checks and began issuing credentials on a temporary basis. Worse yet there were people handling top secret documents that had no background checks. Gary Aldrich in "Unlimited Access" documents the dismantling of the WH security apparatus.

Fast forward to today; now we are to be concerned because the FBI checks will take so long. The same FBI who surrendered FBI security check files to Clinton's thugs. The same FBI who botched Vince Foster's death investigation. The same FBI who helped out in Waco. The same FBI who has intimidated witnesses and obstructed justice all around the country. Now we get treated to the new Bush Administration undergoing a security investigation conducted by the same FBI that became a cat's paw for Clinton.

How much you wanna bet these new files will make it to the ex-gangster in chief and his friends in the democrat party? I feel like I just stepped through a mirror and was greeted by a rabbit in a top hat.
"A new broom sweeps clean." And boy is there gonna be a lot trash to put out by the curb.

Sam....prayin for honest electors.
Disagree about the files winding up in Dem hands-
When you've got hundreds of FBI agents openly protesting Bubba's prospective pardon of a convicted FBI killer, you know the FBI in general are gonna help the current C.I.C. pack. "Excuse me Sir, I think another piece of Mrs. Lincoln's pre-revolution silver just dropped into your briefcase".

Heck, even Louis Freeh is shocked. And Louis doesn't shock easily....witness Waco.