Why should you care about Brazil?


New member
Read the above entitled article in the current issue of The American Rifleman, if you get that magazine. Borrow a copy if you don’t, for the article is interesting, and its impact is NOT limited to Brazil, and the population thereof. It can, or certainly could impact on the citizens of this country, for remember that anti gunners, domestic as well as international, have not given up.

Getting back to the article, the name George Soros might be familiar to readers. The name Rebecca Peters might be less familiar, but this lady, Director of The International Action Network On Small Arms (IANSA), participated in an internationally televised debate with NRA’s Wayne LaPierre a while back. During this debate, she essentially advocated the banning of civilian ownership of small arms, rifles, shotguns and handguns, such are commonly owned and used by the abiding persons for target shooting, hunting and personal protection. When asked about the impact of such prosals, the adverse impact on the law abiding, she offered that such people “find another hobby”. Personally, I find such arrogance, such pomposity annoying; others might not. I might suggest that Ms. Peters give up being such a nag, and as the saying goes, get a life.

I will close here, with the following suggestion to readers. That all consider, if you haven’t already, getting on to your elected things, and/or try media contact. Some might choose other option, which is up to them; however it strikes me that doing nothing is the worst of the available choices.