Why sell the P99?


New member
I've noticed a trend among posters. Buy a P99, shoot it, sell/trade for something else. Given that the P99 is supposed to be the greatest things since individually wrapped cheese slices, why the need to shoot and scoot when it comes to it?
can't shoot crap with it !
usually low because the trigger pull is so long it is scarry! I mean you can get used to it but if you go to another gun at the rang and come back to the P99 you have to adjust all over again.
I'm puzzled by this trend as well. I bought a P99 QPQ in 9mm a month or so ago. I thought it's DA feature and fit would be an ideal personal pistol for my girlfriend and/or my daughter. After shooting it, I was so impressed by its low recoil, fast sights, superb accuracy and ergonomics that I bought another in .40 QPQ for carry in warm weather. It, too, was very accurate, particularly with Federal 155 gr. HydraShoks. After 500 rounds, I experienced the problem of the slide locking back with rounds in the mag and returned it to S&W under warranty. After repairs, the slide still locked back twice in the next 120 rounds, but is perfect with the Federal carry loads. I haven't decided if more work or more shooting is in order. Last week, I bought another P99 in 9mm as a spare. I haven't shot it yet, but plan on doing so this afternoon. As a user of Glocks, 1911's and USP's, I still am a big fan of this Walther design. I shoot the P99 9mm as well as my G34, and it conceals better. With 17 rounds of CorBon 115 +P, it still conceals better than my alloy Commander sized ParaOrdnance with 11 rounds of .45. I find myself sticking it in a Hume belt slide in jeans and tee shirt weather. The .40 still needs some sorting out, I fear. Nevertheless, I'll continue to work with it until it delivers the reliabilty of its smaller caliber siblings. God bless.
I,ve put over 2000 rounds through my 9mm P99.
It has performed flawlessly. Initially I found the DA trigger pull a bit heavy. Not any more. At my local gun club I am the fastest shooter. In part, due to the fact that I'm young and my reflexes are pretty good but mostly because of my Walther. I have never experienced the slide locking problem with it. I think people are unknowingly pressing the release with their thumb. I would not sell or trade my P99. I love it.

I'm not going to sell mine either!!!!! :D

Just as there is no such thing as too much fun,
there is no such thing as owning just one gun!!!

Now, go do the right thing, and buy that Walther!!
This usually happens with a new pistol because folks aren't able to rent them or borrow one before buying. If you fire a pistol before purchasing you diminish the liklihood of having to sell it because it doesn't turn out the way you thought it would.

So many pistols, so little money.