Why "PIG PLEX", why why?


New member
I'm in the market for an affordable low power variable, and am a Leupold fan. So Leupold has the Hog Scope, and some shopping will yield a fair price if you want one.

So WHY did Leupold see fit to lable "PIG PLEX" on the reticle???? Might as well put "read me first every time before you shoot" on it. Because of this label, I am shopping for a Leupold shotgun 1-4x, or am considering a brand swap, either a Nikon 1-4x(looks big & heavy) or a Weaver 1-3x (import, what about durability?)

Rant over, your comments, or comments on the two options listed welcome.
My only defense of their choice is that it is a reminder, every time you look through the scope, that it was designed with a specific purpose in mind and the 'holdover' points do not correspond with other scopes.
Pig/hog/feral swine hunting is a hot gun-sport right now, and has been for some years. Hogs are invasive, destructive, and sometimes dangerous. Every state which has them wants them eradicated, year-round, no bag limit - and as a huntable predator species, hogs can make for an exciting, adrenaline-filled hunt.

So "Pig Plex" is purely a marketing ploy to increase the profit margin on an otherwise mediocre Leupy scope that doesn't really do anything more or better than other scopes in the same magnification range for its intended purpose: a short-range rifle or slug gun optic. :rolleyes:
They offer the same identical scope with 3 reticle options. I prefer the heavy duplex, but there isn't anything wrong with the pig scope. You can also get a standard duplex. Hogs/pigs are often shot up close,fast, and on the move You have built aiming points to help establish lead on crossing shots.


Many people find the circle in the middle is faster to get on target with and I really like Leupolds long range dots. On a hunting rifle who cares if the dots aren't perfectly calibrated for a specific load. All modern rifles are close enough in trajectory to simply use the 200, 300, or even 400 yard dots on any big game animal, and with any cartridge and still hit in the kill zone at those ranges. A 300 magnum might hit 1-2" above the dot, a 308 1-2" below. Very few rifles and shooters are good enough to worry about a bullet that impacts 1-2" away from the aiming point at 300-400 yards. Especially on animals that have 12-18" kill zones.

On a varmint rifle, or a target rifle it might matter. Not on a big game rifle.
Where have you seen good prices on the pig plex? I found a good price from an online vendor on a turkey plex, but the vendor had some reviews that left me uncomfortable.
I agree with the OP, it's like, "What, I'm not allowed to shoot a deer with it?" I don't like words on cars either.
I've had a Nikon Monarch 1.5 - 4.5 with "Turkeyplex" I think they call it for many years. It's got crosshairs all the way to the center as well as the zone. It's been on a number of big bores and has given me no trouble. I'm not a PH and I guess I really don't shoot all that much, but safari rifles can be tough on optics and that scope doesn't do anything except what it's supposed to.
So WHY did Leupold see fit to lable "PIG PLEX" on the reticle????

It's just a marketing ploy..just like putting zombie max on ammo.... Guess what? that ammo sold like crazy.... I actually bought the Pig Plex Leupold for my G-sons 300 blk out AR.... I'm putting the gun together for him..and I'm betting he likes it..and it shoots lights out....;)
Pigs, Hogs, Boar related items are to Hunting as TACTICAL is to the non-hunting community.
Pigs have been elevated to mythical beast status and some think hunting them makes you a legendary folk hero.
It's a fairly fun activity that I took part in for a few years and I've killed several hundred. It is devoid of most of the standard game rules, and many times akin to shooting fish in a barrel.
It requires no magic bullets or specialty weapon, however short rifles do help at times. But you don't need any RIG specific to hogs. I started out with a ratty old NO4 Enfield, but moved down to .223. PigPlex is comical.
If you're active duty or LEO, contact Leupold and they will send you a listing of discounted items. The VX-HOG right now is 212 with shipping.
@"fanken M", taylorforce, and jmr40: As always, you guys are the voices of reason and knowledge. However, on this one, I have to agree with bamaranger and likely the whole bama-family. I wish the Hog plex marketing gimmick had been left off the scope.

I bought a savage 11, hog hunter, added an AAC flash suppressor, and mounted a leupold hog plex scope with quick detachable rings, and replaced the cheap stock with a boyd's. The rifle serves as my poor man's scout rifle. But, still, I wish the porcine references were missing.

Same with the green slime colored, zombie scopes and stocks.
I saw a great deal on a returned/discounted Leupold and was reaching for my wallet until I realized it was a pig flex. Just so stupid..... Needless to say it is still there. We dont even have pigs around here. I bet it was purchased by mistake and returned. Do, I have a point? Only that resale may suffer on any gimmick cross hair.
I would venture to say a lot of what we buy around the gun world is marketing ploy in some sense or other. They design stuff to get us to buy it, that's basically the bottom line. How about handguns in O.D, flat earth, grey colors? How about small replaceable parts of rifles and handguns with slogans printed on them? Punisher insignias? All designed to get a person interested and maybe attract attention and admiration from others....sorta like fancy wheels on your vehicle.
I have a hog plex on one of my rifles just for something different and have shot hogs with it, but I would have bought it if hogs were not on the shooting menu nonetheless.
Gimmick, Gimmick! I can't imagine how a "Pig Plex" could work any better than a good old heavy duplex for hog hunting.
next new thing

I hear Leupold's next step is to incorporate this aspect (printing in their reticle) to the rest of their scopes, moose plex, coyote plex, bear plex, etc.

Are you ready for "wapiti plex", has a certain ring to it, don't you think?