Why On Earth was the Dallas Freeway Shooter Never Deported???


I just don't understand this case of this Dallas Freeway shooter, who attacked a total of 5 people on freeways in the Dallas area, wounding some of them, even very critically in one case. He just turned himself in. When he came to the police station to surrender, he even swore repeatedly at people, and even spat on the ground, expressing his contempt.

This man is an immigrant from Vietnam. He is not an American citizen. He already had a number of criminal convictions, including one felony. These included carrying a gun illegally, misdemeanor assault ( in a case where a woman was robbed at gunpoint ), and failing to aid a teenage boy after a car crash that left the boy with major head trauma.

Why would our immigration authorities not deport this man? If they had, then all of these shooting attacks this past week could have been avoiding, and all these victims spared.

I just don't understand what has gone wrong with our country.

Here is the booking photo of the shooter:


He told officials that all of the drivers of the cars that he had shot at on the freeway had disrespected him.

Here is a link to a detailed news report:


IIRC, if you are in the USA for under a certain number of years and you commit a felony then you get deported, if it is over the certain number of years then you are not and will face the courts here in the USA...

I'm here legally with a green card, two more years until I become a citizen, so I do things by the book, as I don't want to be deported myself... worth it though to me and my family.
Well, he came to the USA in 2000, and got the felony conviction in 2006.

Is this time period that you mention only 5 years?

Here in MO they will do their state time first for serious 'CA/Persons' crimes, then we let INS have them upon release.

I get your drift, though. I've worked several ugly crimes against children (including homicide) that flat wouldn't have happened if these guys had been sent to the federal slam on even their second criminal enterprise here in the US. The problem with 'just' deportation is that they come back, and criminal illegals share one thing in common with their domestic counterparts- they graduate to more serious crimes when they don't get dealt with in a decisive manner on the first or second offense.
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They only authorised the deportation of illegal immigrants back to Vietnam this January, after well over a decade of negotiations to get Vietnam to take them back. There are thousands ahead of him on the review list and about another 7000 waiting to be sent back. For a long time they couldn't go back, because of the violence with the likes of Cambodia slaughtering the ethnic Vietnamese and various fighting and the problem got far worse when Reagan gave them amnesty in the 80s and so they had family connections and a means into the country.
Does the U.S. deport to comunist contrys??

Apparently we have been having problems deporting people back to Vietnam. But these difficulties were recently fixed this past January, and over 6,000 Vietnamese here illegally are supposed to be sent back. See this report:


After this fellow finishes his prison term, he should definitely be deported back to Vietnam.

Why should we have to put up with such a worthless piece of trash??

He plead down to a misdemeanor. Apparently, the DA didn't think that armed robbery was enough to charge him with a felony, which would have made him deportable.

If he's convicted of a felony this time, as he should, he will be deported after he serves his sentance.
If Vietnam refused to take them, I know I wouldn't have a problem with letting a Navy cruiser steam a group of deportees up to the 3 mile limit and giving them a raft and a compass.
He plead down to a misdemeanor. Apparently, the DA didn't think that armed robbery was enough to charge him with a felony, which would have made him deportable.

It is discouraging how often it seems that DA's don't pursue higher crimes, and seem to go after the easier target.

Here in Springfield, OR, a man was recently shot 3 times in the head by a former boyfriend of the man's girlfriend. However, the DA decided to only charge the shooter ( who is an illegal alien from Mexico ) with first degree Assault, and not attempted murder.

The victim appeared on local TV and was most upset about this. He said that if a person shoots you in the head 3 times, is he not obviously trying to kill you? I guess common sense does not always apply to the law, however.

Here are some news reports about that shooting:

Checkout the video in this first story:


In this second story, they mention about the charge of attempted murder being dropped as part of the plea bargain:



It was considered an absolute miracle that the man survived with only relatively minor injuries.

It isn't necessarily that they are lazy, but ideologically driven: In many areas of the country it is the norm for aliens to receive plea agreements tailored to keep them from being deportated.
The Gucci Shoed Gremlins (media and elected versions of Jack booted thug) need someone around causing crimes to blame their political opposition for. Actually addressing crime by dealing with criminals responsible for it defeats their purpose.
He's just here shooting people that American's won't. And the violent felons killed in the Texas case were just doing burglaries that American's won't.

We need more legal and illegal immigrants to do these things.
All he would have had to do was claim that sending him home would have endangered his life and it wouldn't have mattered if he were another Ted Bundy. They will not send anyone home that might be harmed at home.
Why On Earth was the Dallas Freeway Shooter Never Deported???
I just don't understand this case of this Dallas Freeway shooter, who attacked a total of 5 people on freeways in the Dallas area, wounding some of them, even very critically in one case

"Dallas Freeway Shooter"? LOL - I take it that you are now assigning monikers to suspects? None of the shootings occurred on Dallas freeways. A "freeway" is a divided highway. One shooting place on a toll road in Plano (not even Dallas County), but the rest were on surface streets and an eatery parking lot.
The Gucci Shoed Gremlins (media and elected versions of Jack booted thug) need someone around causing crimes to blame their political opposition for. Actually addressing crime by dealing with criminals responsible for it defeats their purpose.
