Why not use FOUP to sue using T18;CH13:sec.241


New member
Why don't you use the money gathered for advertising in a proactive manner that would garner all sorts of free press.... Start a local class action suit against HCI using the Conspiracy against rights law. It would put them way back and would certainly gain the attention of the media. Once started there would likely be one or more of the pro 2nd groups that would lend a hand. Seek out a victim of a waiting period , or one of interstate concealed carry arrest and form the case around them. Also the law requiring all states to recognize every other states licenses legally applies to CC permits too.

What part of "INFRINGED" don't they understand?

Right now, we can't afford to execute our planned action, let alone take on new projects.

If you want to get us another 1000 supporters and we can run the advocacy statement, then I'd love to talk about future projects... otherwise, feel free to start a corporation and let us know what you are going to do.