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Why no Airgun section?

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I have videos posted on the web of me shooting high powered airguns like the rws diana and benjamin sheridan superstreak,and people love them and ask so many questions.I have seen so many models of air rifles from .177-.50 caliber on the web.I think a section on airguns would explode with activity,especially from young shooters who are limited to airguns by law....just a suggestion
I suspect that having a forum "explode with activity.... from young shooters" may not be a priority for the owner of The Firing Line.

People here do post about airguns in the appropriate forums (rifle, handgun, competition, hunting -- depending on the specific topic) -- there are quite a few of us who shoot 'em.

And if you're looking for airgun forums, there are quite a few out there:


Graybeard Outdoors - Air Guns

And RimfireCentral has forums for both air rifles and pistols, as well... just keep scrolling down, you'll get to them eventually...
where I am from,all pellet guns are firearms,and you cannot even purchase a pellet pistol without a CCW or pistol permit,plus,some of those bigger air rifles shoot in excess of 200 foot lbs energy,and people hunt large game with them.
I have seen pictures of people next to maybe 300lb animals with their airguns.I know that some of those airguns fire .45-.50 caliber 200+ grain pellets at around 600fps.Similar power to a low end .45acp round

It seems to me that the mission statement of TFL is missing a whole subset of shooters. The logo statement should, in my humble opinion, read: "The leading online forum for the shooting enthusiast.". By its very nature, a "firing line" per say is not the sole purview of "firearms". Airguns emulate firearms very closely in looks and employment. Further, an airgun section could attract more members....unless of course that is a bad thing. Airguns are, for many, the way they were initiated into responsible firearm ownership, handling and marksmanship.

I, for one, would not be adverse to seeing the inclusion of an airgun section into the forum...
Airguns are, for many, the way they were initiated into responsible firearm ownership, handling and marksmanship.

that is the only reason I am into shooting now.I learned to love the sport with my brother's 760 pumpmaster when I was 11 or so.I went on to a .22LR after that,but with the new surge of popularity of the new 1,000fps+ airguns,I got back into the sport of pellet gunning a few years back.And with those kind of velocities,and the variety of calibers and makes and models of high powered"adult" pellet guns,I think there would be alot of discussion on muzzle energy,range,hunting and alot more.Things you wouldn't have discussed years ago when all airguns were .177 and 500fps and lower,they were toys back then,but now alot of them I would easily consider firearms
If "firearm" means "powder-burner" to the owner and mods, here, that's sorta the end of the story... although I'd be all for it, m'self.

But a few years ago, in this thread, on the very same subject, Rich Lucibella wrote:
Likewise; it's been brought up. Given the limited traffic in Competition and some of the other specialized Forums, we'll pass.

Some topics are best served by specialized, stand-alone sites. As always, we'll help in any way we can to assist in setting such sites up.

So firearm/not firearm hasn't always been the issue.

Just to stir the pot a little... :D
I guess I just thought it would be a good idea because after putting a few videos on youtube of me shooting high powered airguns,I was flooded with all kinds of questions non stop,especially with questions like "what pellet to use" type questions,and will this gun kill a ______? Alot of people have traded using a .22 for small game for a high powered airgun
Wow! Thats crazy i used to have one of the Crosman 1 pump 1000 fps guns that I would put down raccoons with but I did not even know they had airguns in calibers over .22 when I was younger they were my life until I got old enough to own real firearms but I would always take a 200 lb crossbow with me when in the woods because I figured they could not kill anything above 30 lbs
adding to Vanya's list, there's also ..

http://www.straightshooters.com/chat/ , which is a good one for air rifle hunters and others who are into high powered air guns.

and for match air guns there's http://www.targettalk.org/

and probably the largest, by membership, is the airgunbbs which is based in England - http://www.airgunbbs.com/forums/

IMO you'll be better served posting to a dedicated airgun forum. The reason being that it's rare to find people who are experts on airguns. So it's worthwhile to use forums where they congregate.
This must be the new airgun forum.:D

I was thinking about getting a Beeman at Walmart that comes with two barrels.(.177 and .22) It seems to be a decent model and I can get it there for under $150. I was thinking about springing for an RWS over the internet, but that's going to set me back well over $200. Any thoughts?
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