Why Many are Questioning the Quality of 1911 now adays.


New member
In my own observation to many posters, they question too much the poor quality of the 1911 models or we may say Colt Firearms products. How realiable are these stories.

Would it be reasonable enough that if a particular individual had use one 1911 model and encountered such malfunctions or any negative aspect of what he had purchased, does that apply to all 1911 having poor quality now adays.

Since I am shooting with my 1911, I haven't encountered such malfunctions such as non ejections of empty case, unfired bullets etc. The same with my 9mm. There are only two things I considered malfunctions to a gun, i.e. Non ejection of empty case or cannot detonate a bullets. Well, I have seen some 1911 users also on the range of encountering several malfunctions and that is common perhaps to all pistols if it occurs. Maybe those who did not experience such problems with their 1911 are just lucky.

To my own opinion and feeling, OWNING a historical big bore 1911 is great contentment for my self.
Some recent Colt 1911's were poor; so too some other 1911's.

The other difficulty is "If it's not new it must be no good" mentality that many people, lacking extensive experience, bring to the party. They buy an XYZ gun, then feel pressured to defend their particular choice.
Normally this is done by disparaging other choices.

Don't worry about it.

By the way, a "real" gun needs to be as close to 100% reliable as humanly possible to be a good carry gun.

"All my ammo is factory ammo"
Westshoot, that is a good word to remember, a gun should be as close to 100% reliable to be a good carry gun (and it needs for someone to know what are the factors of being close to 100% reliable), if not - then we will be easily overpowered by an agressive opponent if he will get closed to us with their knives because at that moment our pistols failed to fired the chambered bullets.

Stdalire. I have 4 different 1911's. They are one of my favorite handguns, second only to the Colt Single Action Army's.
One 1911 was made in 1947, another 1948, the Combat Commander in 1972, and a Gold Cup Combat Commander from the Colt Custom Shop that cost me $1,600. Guess what? That gun from the Custom shop is a piece of crap! All my other 1911's will out group it any day of the week. I do feel that Colt's quality control has gone drastically downhill to the point of being almost non-existant. I would think that a "custom shop" pistol would have better accuracy than an off the shelf model, especially one that cost as much as mine. All my other 1911's also have better trigger pulls.
At least none of them have jammed at any time.
Paul B.
It is interesting that early production Colts
1911 seem to be much more reliable than current production ones. I think that the
attemp to "tighten" the pistol in order to make it more accurate altered the design concept of this pretty good Browning's creation. Some designs do require a certain generous tolerances to work well...I'm afraid even AK-47 would stop being so reliable if made to "space age" tolerances..
If it's not new it must be no good" mentality that many people, lacking extensive experience, bring to the party. They buy an XYZ gun, then feel pressured to defend their particular choice.
Normally this is done by disparaging other choices.
- WESHOOT2, I think you nailed it pretty accurately.

To many shooters think that pistol designs deployed in 1911 or 1935 are outdated or antiquated. They fail to understand that their new polymer hkglockwalthersig is not breaking any new ground in handgun design, its just a different twist of our old and antiquated pistols.
I have heard that the original 1911 needed alot of hand-fitting of parts to make it a reliable weapon, and that recently, within the last 5yrs or so, some companies like colt have tried to cut back on their labor costs and no longer do that, resulting in a less reliable weapon. Anyone heard anything to that effect? I will say, though, that although I probably have less experience on the 1911 than most of the posters here, the only real problem guns I've had were ones I'd bought used or traded for used, that some kitchen sink gunsmith had screwed up. Probably tryin to fix what aint broke in the first place. Most of the 1911's I've fired have been just as reliable, and sometimes more accurate, than many of the more "modern" brands of semi-autos. FWIW

"To die as a warrior means to have crossed swords and either won or lost without any consideration for winning or loosing. There is just not enough time and generally not enough strength in the resolve of any man to do otherwise"-Miyamoto Musashi
Being one of those "crazy" individuals who owns a whiz-bang "wondernine", I have great respect for the 1911 and even more for the 1935. These guns blazed the trails for the rest of the so-called "hi-tech" pieces out there. And, there is no doubt that they are still viable choices.

Just because I choose the SIG for instance and rant about how reliable and accurate it is does not mean that I am putting down other designs. I will be the first one to admit, that without the 1911, 1935 designs, the rest of the semi-auto's we love today would not exist. On the other hand, there are individuals in this forum who will mock, put-down, talk down to any individual who does not carry a "man's gun" (i.e. 1911 in the "awsome .45).

To those individuals I have little time for and have pity on. Anyone who has become so short sighted to believe that they carry the end all be all in the world of handguning. It works on both sides ladies and gentleman.

We all make choices about which firearm we are going to put our lives and the lives of those we love into. If that is a 1911 or a hi-power...great. Just make sure the darn thing goes bang everytime...and I mean EVERYTIME you pull the trigger.

I know that for my family and my little corner of the world, I have put my faith into a 9mm SIG 226 and a .357 Ruger GP-100. I shoot them well and so does my wife.

If the quality of the gun you own, be it a 1911 or any other type firearm, is not 99% to 100%, it SHOULD NOT be a gun you put your trust into.


"By His stripes we are healed..."

Greetings to All:

Thank you for the various opinions you have raised about the declining quality of the 1911 as being claimed by some end users.

If we talk 1911 model, generally it seems to me that the mechanics of 1911 is all present to pistols. As I have stated already, many users also did not find any drawbacks in their particular pistol and many also had experienced it. But the professional gunners still opt for the big bore 1911 models and it will go on and on.

In Philippines, owning a GM .45 caliber give you a distinction among gun users, as this is only issued to Military and it has been proven of killing the most notorious moros and even those being aclaimed having Charms against a bullets.
